Scenery passing by slow

Something that bothers me about this sim… While flying any of the high-speed jet aircraft the ground underneath passes by at an unusually slow rate when flying fast and low. The perception of speed is unrealistic. Maybe this is because the scenery cannot possibly be rendered fast enough to match actual ground speed of the aircraft. It just seems strange flying at the speed of sound but passing objects is incredibly slow in comparison to what occurs in real life flying.

So what you’re saying is that if you fly from airport A to airport B and the distance is 200 miles and your speed is 200 miles. After an hour flying your only half way??

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Having read this I just watched cockpit videos of the Typhoon doing the Mach loop both for real and in sim. The speed of the terrain passing by looked the same on both!

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Perception of speed is entirely dependant on your FOV - Field Of View.

Take a moment to have a look at this discussion that took plce in DCS forums a while ago.

And, if you’re at a loose end - here’s some academic reading.

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Thank you for this info. I think “Perception of speed is entirely dependent on your FOV” is accurate in describing the scenario. I was trying to compare my experience of being at an air show and watching aircraft fly-by’s. The aircraft passing the length of the runway at high speed seems to occur more quickly than what I experience in the sim as the pilot. But then again we do not have a tower view like we did in FSX. So the perception (FOV) cannot be compared accurately.

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It´s not as fast as you might think… I guess 400-500 knots in low altitude, the average Boeing airliner flies with 380 knots when overspeeding:

That´s how I fly my passenger jets too, but not with 90° bank angle. :smiley:

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