Not sure this is a bug, so I figured I would post here. I did a search, but not finding any answers. I have noticed that when I am flying and looking out on the horizon and shift my view to my instrument panel with the POV button the screen will go dim on the image outside and brighten up the panel, but when I focus back up it dims the panel and brightens the outside. I have never really noticed this before just curious. Also if I split the view it kinda dims both sometimes, but also brightens sometimes.
It’s an Intentional “human eye” effect that is not controllable by the user, and is , in most circumstances, greatly exaggerated, and a total PITA.
Every time I start the sim, and get in a plane, its my one biggest frustration with MSFS, and I have to turn up all the cabin lights to make the panel bright enough to represent what it should look like in real life.
What @N6722C said. It is really noticable in the hangar with cockpit view.
I don’t really mind the effect, I actually quite like it. Guess tastes differ.
It may not be so bad if you have HDR ? But I don;t have an HDR Monitor, so this “Subjective” “EFFECT” should be user controllable by a slider.
Added to which, if, like most pilots you have a Sun Glare filter you can lower, the efftect become even more unrealistic, because you no longer get Pupil Dialation by the bright outside view.
Unfortunately, it is an “often used” Computer GAME effect … so I can understand that this iswhat ASOBO is use to incorporating … but in this case, it is inappropriate, ( and a Total PITA) without some user control.
Yes … What the MONKEY said – when he was speaking “No Evil” !!!
It is simply the sim trying to replicate the action of the human pupil or the automatic aperture in a digital camera. Light to dark and vice versa makes the aperture or pupil constrict or dilate depending on the ambient light intensity.
I think it adds quite a bit of realism to the sim, although it is a bit too dramatic.
I have to disagree with that …It is like a Digital camera with automatic averaging Aperture control, but it is not like the human eye - combined with the human brain.
In RL, the perceived brightness of the aircraft panel does not appear to go that dark, when you are looking at it, even when looking towards the top, where you may have a significant part of your view, towards the bright outside. You Brain compensates.
Its just not Realistic, but is a very common “effect” used in Computer Games to add a “Perceived” Realism, that ironically, does not exist in the real world.
Any darkening effect also depends on an individuals eyesight, in particular their age, as the ability of the eye to “Accommodate” to varying light levels decreases with older age.
That is not to say, that there is not some darkening effect, but if it is going to be simulated in the sim, it badly needs a slider control, so it can be adjusted to a level that the user finds acceptable, and to them, realistic.
Its just OVERDONE at the moment, and should not be difficult to add a user control, to control the “Effect” … it is not as if it is adding a needs to add the effect, just to control it.
It becomes absurd that one has to turn all the panel light up to Full in the daytime, just to be able to read the instruments …
It changes fast enough to make it not a problem. There are significantly more serious problems with the Sim that needs to be addressed. On to bigger and better things!
What changes “fast enough” and how does that apply to the panel going too dark ?
Agreed, there are also many other things that require attention, but this one is “low hanging fruit”, and a valid issue, so why ignore it, just because there are “other issues” that some may consider to be more important … like adding Trains, or more Animals etc !!!
All your words are gold!
Well, thank you pukigonzalez … I will take that as a compliment as you gave me a “like” as well.
(From some others in here, I would take it as Sarcasm – but then just ignore them !!! )
Isn’t the “lens bloom” option in the graphics exactly the option you’re looking for?
Thanks but I don’t believe so, but I will check it out.
I have “Lens Flare” OFF as I assume it eats up additional CPU resources, which, with my I5, is limited.
There is a configuration parameter, hidden away in one of the system .cfg file that suggest it is a Boolean control to turn on/off they “eye” effect, (Forget the exacts name, but at the time I found it, it seems to be named to sound like this effect)
but if it is turned off manually, the sim seems to want to turn it back on again.
The solution may be to just add control of this parameter to the UI …
I should go back and find it again, and see if I can be more forceful in getting it to stay OFF !!!
BTW: I notice your PUBLIC PROFILE is turned OFF. (don’t blame you !!!)
I believe mine is NOT OFF, but someone accused me of hiding behind a "Hidden Public Profile !!!) sigh
Please can you “click on me” and tell me if my Public Profile is Hidden or Not.
I believe I have it set for “Not Hidden” … (I feel no need to Hide … or more to the point, could not care less if people can figure out who I am )!)
Maybe the “EyeAdaptation” in Usercfg.opt?
I turned it off already, but no effect…
LOL … see what I was typing in previous post, just before you posted !!!
Yes, “EyeAdaption” !! Thats the name !!!
I also found that editing the FILE made no difference, but that may be because the sim re-writes it back to the original ON value when MSFS closes.
Maybe it is possible to set it OFF, in the Virtual File system, when MSFS is running ??
Not tried that yet. – this Saturday Morning “project”
In the previous patch a section for VR was placed below the regular graphics settings in the config file. Please make sure you edited the value in the first half of the file, not in the VR settings section.
It occurs TWICE is UserCfg.opt !!! missed that earlier
I set Eyeadaptation from 1 to 0 (in the Graphics and not GraphiscVR section) and since then the program has not restored it.
The value is constant 0… is it possible that the program ignore this value?
When i change other postprocess options (filmgrain, sharpen etc) , these changes are correctly depicted in the sim.
Your public profile is hidden.
I didn’t make mine hidden either, was it hidden?
Yes, it was Hidden … strange … I have not intentionally set mine to hidden either
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Was checked !!! Must be a default ?? I do not remember setting it.
Oh well, all the info I put in my profile – nobody was able to see !!!
Maybe just as well … I know better now than to “share” too much with Forum “strangers” …
Not much point in putting “Private Pilot” or “Software Engineer” etc in the profile
It seems that EVERONE here is both of these !!!