Screen mirroring touch screen


Im trying to move a panel to a different computer with touch screen support.

I am using the build in screen mirroring in windows 10 and I can control everything fine using touch screen on the secondary pc, like the start menu on windows 10 etc. so touch screen is working fine.

When i move the GARMIN G5000 touch panel to the secondary computer it is visble but the touch functionallity does not work in the panel.

Anyone know if this is a missing functionallity or am i missing something?



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simply coz the sim doesnt support a second screen atm

I can move the panel to the secondary pc, No problem. Using the right ALT button on the keyboard hovering over the panel and move it over to the secondary pc.

The panel on the secondary pc/screen actually accept mouse click input but not touch screen inputs, so kinda Strange.

I have a second monitor also, it is a 22" touch panel.
Although we can drag certain things (pop outs as you describe) to the second screen, currently MSFS2020 does not support the touch screen device. Oddly, I also now have a touch panel in my control configuration screen, but I have not been able to do anything with it.

Sounds to me like a future feature.

Just my $.02.


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