SDK / DevMode must have tools for Scenery

So, we’ve all been fiddling or seriously working on Scenery here.

I can understand the DevMode is a Beta stage of the finished tool, but there are a couple things every scenery maker SHOULDN’T stay without, at all.

1. HEIGHTMAPS integration
WE CAN’T just use the tools given. it’s not a “we can but we find hard doing so”. WE CAN’T.
Because you can’t model a river (which is slightly sloped in the best case, if not a lot in the worst) with rectangles.
THERE MUST be heightmap import support, getting DEM data and making the simulator generate terrain, blending it with the bordering one. THIS MUST be done

1a. ELSE Polygons must be powered in efficiency, giving the ability to set the height of each single vertex placed, and interpolating it, so we can create our own slopes based on real shapes, not squares.

2. UI XML Editor
Many XMLs, have to get an UI integration for direct editing INSIDE the DevMode, like services, or Radio freq. Creating them outside of the sim, generates conflicts and building issues many times. Also unexperienced first timers have to headbutt their keyboard just to look for the proper infos

3. SimObjects clarity
There has to be some clarity on how to create SimObjects. tbh is one of the subjects which lacks of information the most outside of planes.

4. Blender Support
MS has spent quite a lot of money to become a Corporate Gold Member of the Blender Foundation’s Development Fund. What for? For developing official toolsets for 3D Studio Max only?
I mean…is this serious?

Please, just vote this, let them hear we’ve got more than “a few small bugs” in the SDK.
Sometimes being a developer, makes you hard to think with the end user head. You just know things. End users, don’t.

Link to the original question so things don’t get said twice


Hello @LoscoNosciut0 , thank you for your request!
All SDK wishlist items should be posted on the DevSupport Forums as requested by the SDK team.