SDK Should get Priority

Would anyone here would agree with me that the SDK should really be focused mostly so other 3rd party developers who makes complex airliners,Ai Traffic, Particle effects ( PrecipitFX from “Parrllel 42” for instance, ), Weather for Active Sky, etc… Cause honestly… That’s really stopping them from seeing other add on’s coming to MSFS… Sure it may take some time off from fixing the bugs, but honestly…They should slow down with that since more bugs are keep appearing, And divert their focus mainly on the SDK so we will have more add on’s coming to MSFS. And then MS/ASOBO Can focus back on the bugs while at the same time, 3rd party developers like PMDG, FSLabs,QW, Etc can continue making their planes for MSFS without anything holding them back anymore. I love the sim still. But i think they should divert their focus on the SDK So the 3rd Developers can help develop the sim further.

Happy flying captains!!

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No, I strongly disagree. Their focus is and should be on the main program.

Regardless of what we prefer, they have a separate team working on the SDK. It’s not like there’s only 2 programmers at Asobo who can only work on one thing.
They have multiple teams working on different parts, and one team is working on the SDK.

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Tough call. While I am desperate to get an A2A aircraft in MFS, I’m not sure it would fare well in this unpolished environment.

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They did say they need help on their last stream, I just feel if the SDK is well devedoped, The 3rd part developers can help make it great. And MS/ASOBO Can focus on the main program like you said. But you have a good reasoning to disagreeing.

It’s tough, But i feel they can help get more planes in & etc…