Search-and-rescue challenges & adventuresr

Would be neat to use ADF gear and so on. Night vision. In mountains. Over water. Watching for flares. Goals can be to just fly over, or maybe have to land nearby then take off and return to airfield. Ambulances at airfield.

Great work Asobo et al.!

I would like to have a ‘drop down menu’ where I could pick flight mission.For instance ‘ search and rescue missions. Example: Fly to VOR xxx , defind a seach pattern with a radius of 50NM , report back position of debris or possible survivors. You could gain bonus points if you report back and earn a search and rescue wing !

I have been using NeoFly for similar missions/challenges. Maybe check that out.

Before Asobo do this you can check this one MSFS missions

I guess that could include passengers that need to transfer to the airbus you are controlling because of an NPC airbus malfunctioning before departure or right after take-off,forcing it to land again & you have to fly the stranded passengers on board to their destination instead.
At least it’s a form of rescue too I think,otherwise those passengers would lose hours or day. Maybe your plane starts at a nearby airport & is called or at hangar or so -that would also make it more of a “seach-and-rescue”

The coast guard rescued a 3 year old dog who fell off a cliff in Oregon.

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