Setup a free flight for landing training using Xwind Xbox FS2024

Hello, newbie here.

Im trying to do some landing training with cross wind. I can setup the weather, wind, direction, gust, and all, the problem I have is the start position of the aircraft.

When I select in the free flight menu only arrival, select airport and runway, then no matter what I do, even if I select arrival Direct. when the sim starts, the place is faaar away to the defult arrival waypoint.

I have tried modifying the route, but still cant get to start the sim before final. The only thing I was able to do to don’t waste much time was to take off, turn around, go to downwind, and get to land. But that is too much time, considering that each time I restart the sim it takes ages to load properly.

Thanks in advance

I haven’t tried your method, but doing touch and goes in a standard traffic pattern, each lap should be 4-5 minutes or so. Is that too long?

What about doing the initial setup then using the FCR replay mode and taking control on short final each time?

4-5 min is not bad. Sure thing, just gets annoying, on the good side is good practice i guess :thinking:?.
Im on Xbox, where ate the fcr controls you mentioned?