My first post here! I had a very odd experience today on my 3rd day with MSFS. I flew from my home airport of KLNA to MYGF (short flight from Florida to the Bahamas). So I’m not sure if this is a Bermuda triangle easter egg or something?
Anyway, on the way back to Florida I experienced 4 or 5 sudden stalls I was not able to recover from. A few of the times happened when I was doing multiple monitor “clicking”. I had a few dialog windows, like the VFR map on the other monitor. I figured something might be going on when I focus from one monitor to the other as that triggered the stall at least once or twice.
Another stall happened after I saved the flight, mid-flight. It came back from the click on resume to falling like a rock. A reload of the save loaded the flight almost okay, I lost about 400 feet but was expecting the stall. Unrelated, earlier in the day I paused a different flight and then when I resumed fell like a rock from the sky.
On all stalls, my airspeed was between 75 to 90 knots, altitude between 5,000 to 6,000 feet and no more than 1 degree AOA.
Once stall I was being very careful on. I was leveling off near 6,000 feet. I had dialed back the engine to 2200 RPM, was level, and cruising around 85 knots. Then it was like I hit something or deployed a parachute. There was a bang sound and the airspeed dropped way faster than any way I could even tried to attempt on purpose.
So, am I doing something wrong with flight dynamics or is MSFS just buggy with airspeed in some circumstances? Was I hitting other aircraft?
I’m not a pilot but have been flying sims for almost 40 years, have a degree in aerospace engineering, and constantly thinking of getting my PPL, lol.
** Edit **
The default bindings for trim on the Thrustmaster throttle control (T.16000m full flight pack) were bleeding through and causing unexpected large jumps in trim. This results in a situation where reducing throttle can cause a sudden hard pitch up. This happens without even touching the trim buttons. It’s simply moving the throttle position.
Removing the trim bindings off the throttle fixed the problem.