I love short 30 to 60 minute VFR flights and am maintaining a list of short scenic flights on my website. My to-do list is still long but a bit short on flights in Africa, India and China. There must be many interesting places close enough to airports in those regions. Any suggestions?
Hey mate, great website. I’ll definitely be checking out some of those flights.
You could check out www.flightsimdiscovery.com to find interesting places to explore in those regions and create a flight plan, or check out some travel companies that do tours in those regions
Thanks for that link, plenty of new stuff to discover. The biggest challenge I have is finding airports close to interesting places, making it possible to limit takeoff, flight and landing to 30 to 60 minutes in a Cessna. That is far easier in the US or Europe than elsewhere.
There is a great Bush Trip in Tanzania on Nexus.
Yes, I should look into bush trips. What is the ‘Nexus’ you are referring to?
Tanzania Bush Trip at Microsoft Flight Simulator Nexus - Mods and community
This is the Bush Trip. Nexus is a popular mod site, but not really for MSFS… SOME stuff is there that isn’t on Flightsim.to
Check out www.flightspots.co as well for some more ideas on places you might want to check out.