Hi everyone!
I’ve been using MSFS through the Game Pass for a long while now and I’m thinking about switching to the Steam version and actually buying it, thing is, I’m not sure about which edition to get…
Is it worth it? I really liked the way the Longtitude and SR22 look, but will they ever get updated into a 3rd-party level of detail?
If the extra cost isn’t a big deal, I’d get the Premium Deluxe. When I think about the differences (which isn’t often to be honest now), I am glad I got it. I like flying the Zlin, and SR22, and a couple of the airports are ones I like to use.
I purchased the upgrade almost week ago and the only thing I found to be really worth it was the steam gauge aircraft. Most of the planes are bugged atm but the Longtitude is fun to fly so is the sr22.I actually like the sr22 over the G36.You will have a blast with the shock ultra.Its up to you.
I’ve heard more people complain about the cost of upgrading, than I have people who wished they hadn’t gone all in from the beginning. I bought the full-honk package and never regretted it.
I’m loving the Cessna Longitude too, it’s rapidly become my favorite aircraft.
I pre-ordered the Premium Deluxe version for the 787, 172 (Steam Gauge), KSFO and EGLL.
Like most base aircraft, the premium deluxe aircraft is horribly bugged and needs work from Asobo. But the bugs will get resolved in time. However, don’t expect them to become study-level aircraft. It requires too much time and investment from Asobo, and more importantly, it becomes a barrier to entry for novice users.
With that in mind, there are two things you should consider:
Would you ever want the Deluxe or Premium Deluxe versions? If so buy them outright as you get a bundled discount. - If you buy the Standard version, and then get an upgrade through the market place at a later date, you will pay a higher price.
The price value of the upgrade versions is really good. The following price breakdown is based on Steam Prices for NZ users.
Cost (NZD)
# Airports
# Aircraft
Premium Deluxe
The price difference between each tier (for New Zealanders) is ~ $40. For each tier, you get an additional five aircraft and five bespoke airports. $40 / 10 = $4 per item in the package.
Four dollars per additional aircraft or airport is far better than you would get through payware developers.
I will end up buying the Quality Wings 787 when it launches because I will want a more complex simulation, but given the value of the packages I don’t retreat buying the Premium Deluxe version.
I would suggest you purchase the Premium Deluxe edition. Sure it is worth it.
A question though, since you have been using MFS through the Game Pass, why getting the Steam version and not the Microsoft Store version?
I went from GamePass to Deluxe from the Microsoft Store (you get a discount if you’re a GamePass subscriber). I debated between Deluxe and Premium Deluxe for a few days and eventually decided that the extra planes weren’t worth it for me so I went Deluxe and I don’t regret it at all. The deluxe is definitely worth getting over Standard though, even if just for the C172 with steam gauges.
That’s true. Forgot to mention that in my last post. I’m a steam user too. It’s more comfortable to handle with, e.g. with modding. In steam it is simple a native installed game.
Good question. I couldn’t find any so far. Anyway my favorite is steam, because I know the path of my game folder.
And let’s be surprised what the future will bring.
I bought it at launch and right now I wish I had my $60 USD back. Other than the steam gauge 172 all of the planes are severely bugged out of the box. The way that DRM is enforced for Premium/Deluxe aircraft makes it prohibitively difficult for the community to mod them like they have with some of the standard aircraft.
But in the grand scheme of things $60 was not much since I bought $500 worth of controls after launch am doping $500 around the holidays for a new case, power supply and cooling in anticipation of a $1500 CPU/GPU upgrade in Q3 2021.
There are also three 3rd party aircraft I’m interested in buying.
My hope is that Asobo fix and/or make it easier for community mods for the Premium/Deluxe aircraft and I feel I finally got my $60 worth.
And unlike the MS Game store, it isn’t a complete dumpster fire.
But yes, I think eventually the Premium Deluxe will bear its name. The SR22 and steam gauge 172 are nice. The Longitude is a badass jet. I love it. But outside of the 172, the planes are very incomplete. It’s not that they’re buggy. It’s like they were partway done with them by the time launch day came and went “well, good enough…” and threw the planes in as-is.
As of right now, I think Asobo really need to look up the definitions of the words “premium” and “deluxe”.
I wouldn’t expect Asobo to turn them into full in-depth aircraft, they will probably go as far with those aircraft as they did the A320. However, there are some serious bugs that need to be resolved.
No one expects study-level stock aircraft, even from a DLC or whatever you want to call the higher editions. Aircraft that match the functionality of the base edition would be nice though. I call them incomplete, you call them bugs. In either case, neither fit the definition of “deluxe” or “premium”.
Despite that, I’d still suggest people get the pack. Eventually they’re bound to be fixed.
I got the Pemium Delux edition (on pre-order) because I knew I’d regret it every day if I didn’t. And I certainly haven’t regretted it since.
The good thing about a flight sim is the the band of enthusiasts it attracts. I’ve been involved in several hobbies in the past (including the original home computers, 3D printing, Blender etc), and in all these cases the commitment by such “amateur experts” has always been so overwhelming, it really shows the good side of human nature. And with amount of freeware now available, and the mods to the default aircraft for example from FBW, things will get better even without Asobo concentrating on the things they really should be doing.
So there’s no doubt in my mind - get the PD version, and look forward to a full experience.