My 6800XT is preforming pretty well, holding 30FPS most of the time when locked. Does anything think it’s worth it upgrading to a 6900XT or 3080TI? Do you think i’ll notice a difference in performance when using my Reverb G2?
Plain simply put…NOT !
Hmm…good question. You’ll likely just crank up your settings to match the new GPU which will result in a bit of an improvement in how things look, but the FPS numbers won’t change much.
Ahem…i have a 6800xt Nitro Plus S.E and it is a 4K all ultra card already
Yeah I’m running the Gigabyte 6800XT OC. Basically what I’m wondering is, even though it says I’m GPU limited, I wonder how much of that is the actual MSFS coding that’s holding things back. Because I see people with even 3090’s having stuttering close to the ground. I have my FPS locked at 30, and I have almost no stuttering below 1000FT, although when I climb about 1000FT, I do notice a few stutters, but not many, and it goes away again as I continue to climb.
Playing VR we’re always looking to improve. If I do upgrade, maybe a 6900XT would be better because I could still run SAM. Or maybe buying a new card won’t have a noticeable impact at all. I have until January 21st to return my 6800xt if I chose to.
You will gain NOTHING,you might LOSE a lot.
6900 and 3090 are not gaming cards.Don’t let yourself get caught in the loop.
It’s all MFS.It will be fixed as time goes by.
Hold onto that card.I have a 6900xt and its a good card although not when it comes to running the sim smoothly.Like the poster above says,just give it a while.
If your present card works and given the current price situation, I would hold on to it.
Having said that, I had bad luck with a 6900 XT, which replaced my old 1080 TI. After changing the 6900 XT with a 3090, my MSFS runs with steady 40 fps in VR using a Valve Index. No more AMD adventures for me.
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