Now, that we have an Avatar which could walk around:
Please implement the following feature:
- let aircraft position save when parked on ground
- This saved/parked aircraft will show up next time at the exact position when I’m on the same airport (with another plane)
- I can exit my current aircraft, walk over to my aircraft parked before and enter it.
Just to make an example.
I landed a helicopter at airport XY
I fly with another plane at airport XY. I exit the plane, walk over to that helicopter, enter it and fly.
That feature have to be livery dependent of course, then I would be able to park e.g. several A320 next to each other, all with different registrations.
Next enhancement would later be, that - if we have founded a company - we will see “our company” planes being parked or moved by “our” AI pilots.
Endless possibilities with that feature …
One can dream …