Show parked aircraft, let us walk over and use them!

Now, that we have an Avatar which could walk around:

Please implement the following feature:

  • let aircraft position save when parked on ground
  • This saved/parked aircraft will show up next time at the exact position when I’m on the same airport (with another plane)
  • I can exit my current aircraft, walk over to my aircraft parked before and enter it.

Just to make an example.
I landed a helicopter at airport XY
I fly with another plane at airport XY. I exit the plane, walk over to that helicopter, enter it and fly.

That feature have to be livery dependent of course, then I would be able to park e.g. several A320 next to each other, all with different registrations.

Next enhancement would later be, that - if we have founded a company - we will see “our company” planes being parked or moved by “our” AI pilots.

Endless possibilities with that feature …
One can dream …

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Wishlist items are going to be at the bottom of the barrel with all the issues that exist right now. Gonna have to be patient for the Wishes!

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So, whats the point of your post now?
I shouldn’t wish things now?

I haven’t said I want it now and at highest priority. Its just a wish …

Didn’t mean it in that way. I just think that with all the bugs and issues right now that things in the Wishlist will be lost or forgotten about. MS couldn’t even release 2024 without it be almost a total catastrophe. I’m sorry if it sounds like I implied don’t post on the Wishlist, that wasn’t my intention. I just think it’s going to be a longer time than some think before the bugs/issues will be resolved. I hope that’s not the case but I’m not holding my breath. Then they might get to the Wishlist that’s all.

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