Sim rate fps drop


Description of the issue:
It’s the second time in a day that this occurs:
on 737 max, after climb, I set the cruise and then 4x on sim rate; most of the times it flies smoothly, but sometimes I get an hard fps drop like in the first screenshot I posted while I usually am at 60+.

However I just noticed that If I look somwhere else but in front of me, the fps go up again

[PC Only] Did you remove all your community mods/add-ons? If yes, are you still experiencing the issue?
Yes, game is vanilla.


How often does this occur for you (Example: Just once, every time on sim load, intermittently)? not every flight. This report will be about a 3k nm flight


Please list clear steps you took in order to help our test team reproduce the same issue:

  1. Load passengers,
  2. Take off
  3. Sim rate 4x


If the issue still occurs with no mods and add-ons, please continue to report your issue. If not, please move this post to the User Support Hub.

What peripherals are you using, if relevant:

[PC Only] Are you using Developer Mode or have you made any changes to it? Using developer mode to check fps and stats

[PC, MSFS 2020 Only] Are you using DX11 or DX12?

[PC Only] What GPU (Graphics Card) do you use? RTX 4070Ti Super

[PC Only] What other relevant PC specs can you share?
amd ryzen 7 9700x


Please add a screenshot or video of the issue occurring.


:loudspeaker: For anyone who wants to contribute on this issue, Click on the button below to use this template:

Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?

Provide extra information to complete the original description of the issue:

If relevant, provide additional screenshots/video:

Moved to Install, Performance & Graphics that is more appropriate.
Title updated to better reflect what the issue is.

Hello :wave:

Not sure this is a “bug”, per se.

In my understanding (of a tech guy not working at MS/Asobo), the world (terrain, traffic, weather) is being downloaded and processed as you fly it. It’s not new to FS2024, in 2020 already , it was not “downloaded” but “loaded from the disk” (only the rate “downloaded / loaded from the disk” has changed).

On most of the computers / internet connections, running at SimRatex1 will go smooth : your computer (and connection) have enough time to download and process things before you see it on your screen. But it’s on the edge for many computer (not ours; I, like you, have a pretty good config).

On SimRatex4, there are things that have been downloaded and processed that are behind you. Your simulator is precessing things it doesn’t require anymore but which were in the queue and still had to be processed. And what you have now in front of you has not yet been downloaded/processed, and that’s were lags come from.

That’s why we see that everything goes right for a few seconds (the computer can cope), then things are getting harder (the computer can’t cope anymore).

If it’s to been seen as a bug, I’d say that “SimRate increase” should make it that we download less things that usually. I doubt this one is going to get any proirity though, as I see it, it’s more “a simrate limitation” rather than a bug.


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Expecting the performance to be the same if you want to have all the calculations in a quarter of the time as normal is a bit illogical, isn’t it?