Sim Update 1 Beta - Helicopter Career

The hoist missions are now a bit more forgiving when it comes to “hoover time”.
Most else is still “not there” imo.

  1. The most critical thing is not knowing anything about the hight of the tow end (both pickup and delivery).

A simple solution could be to lift up the “area pointer” so it was visible at all time in 1st view (inside the helicopter) ???
PLEASE (Asobo) - it’s so embarrassing really that we have to use external view for any hoist operation.
I’m okay with most of the game stuff, but this… :see_no_evil:

  1. The goods are still incredible and dangerously close to the ship parts.
    IRL this would never happen except for extreme critical operations.
  2. The tow is annoyingly “never centered” because it’s sooo long and heavy. (This is also why we need to be able to see/find/be guided to the center of where the goods are).strong text

IRL (so I suppose) one would have a guy on the ground near the cargo with a walkie-talkie giving instructions where and how low to fly. This could quite easily be simulated.


See on how it is done IRL.

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Slightly difference:

  1. he can see the goods through the window at the bottom.
  2. He is landing the helicopter when the goods are attached.
    We can’t see the goods in the H125 - only guesswork, and it’s not the actual helicopter that needs to be “centred” - it’s the end of the (very long and dangling) rope.

Search and rescue:
was about 5 meters from “missing person Laura” but wasn’t allowed to use the intercom.
Landed about 2 meters away - then I could use the intercom - and was told to land nearby :see_no_evil:

Seems the triggering points are not “there yet”.

Yes, these landing ones are a mess.

I have a medic onboard, can he not walk 100 meters to retrieve the person? I instead have to land dangerously close to them, and to trees, etc, when a perfectly safe landing zone is just a couple hundred feet away. Silly.

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Helicopter guys, please also see this (link to the wish list option )
PLEASE vote on this one :pray: :raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed:
Optional target UI for helicopter SAR, cargo and construction missions

Are you aware that the H125 in the sim has that vertical reference window?

No ?

Next to the seat on the floor, on the right side. You need to slide the cover open.

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ohh… that would be cool. :helicopter:
Gotta try that out.

Well… maybe in 2020 or another version of H125.
The Asobo H125 got no such window - instead we got a fire extinguisher :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

The real H125 from the video you suggested:

Believe me, it has the vertical reference window. Maybe try the cargo hook version?

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Asobo’s cargo variant does have vertical reference window. With TrackIR I can’t see the load when I look down unless I move my head in unnatural position (simply looking down and moving head a bit to the right doesn’t let you see the load).

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You are indeed right - sorry…
I only tried the free flight to check it out.
Well ONE less thing to complain about then :slight_smile:
Probably pretty difficult anyway, but at least the option is there.