Yes, it’s the flight_model.cfg file for the change. I should have included that information from the start!
Many other differences, of course, but one that bothers me the most is when taking off, and you have the rudder trim set to the right, as you rotate the aircraft’s nose is all the way over to the right as well, until you gain some airspeed.
The BS Caravan doesn’t do that, IIRC, and if you watch any of the Missionary Bush Pilot videos, the real aircraft doesn’t do it either, and plane points straight down the runway.
This is not a sim limitation as other planes don’t do this.
I use the rudder pedals on takeoff and never tinker with rudder trim. It’s cake to take off. Setting some arbitrary trim value probably makes it much more difficult. I use far less nose down trim then default as well, more like -14% or so. You have to immediately unwind it all anyway, not sure what the thought is there either. I think Barth is a good place to practice as you can consider it akin to an obstacle approach and should be able to make the taxiway with a couple seconds of reverse, about 100’ past it if near max load.
Have you tried the same at MTOW?
It sounds to me like you have the COG set up wrong as the plane doesn’t nose right for me when I take off… Don’t YANK it off the runway, a very slight rotate at around 65 knots and the plane comes off the runway dead straight. (I also put in a good bit of right rudder trim before take off too).
There is plenty that annoys me about this plane but the only time I get the issue you’re talking about is when I have the plane very heavily loaded and im too rough on the rotate
The Update is out, It also works in MSFS 2024 and seems native
Worked in 24 before this update, the real 24 update is coming later.
Ah ok many thanks. I wasn’t aware. Thanks for the clarification.
Downloaded but not yet installed the 1.5.0 update for my MSFS2020 directly from SWS. Anyone aware of any compatibility issues with third party liveries?
Any news on when the Amphibian may get a similar update? Thanks in advance.
The Floatiak has one small visual bug, we will fix & release it this week.
Regarding liveries, yes there could be problems as we have tweaked the panel files and some liveries get affected by this.
Many thanks for your response and continued development of this great bird.
I’ve been hesitant in updating (MSFS 2020 on PC) owing to the possible problems with third party liveries. I really value these, particularly the STOL Addicts incredible Megapack. Is there a tutorial available somewhere providing instructions on how to convert such pre-update liveries to the new file structure? I realize that aircraft updates breaking liveries is not a new thing and certainly cannot always be prevented; just trying to see if I can fix these myself…some liveries are worth the time and effort, at least for me.
A bit about the next Kodiak update, which is mostly finished. The plane now comes with a proper Engine Indicating System that contains all three pages -Engine, Fuel and System-with their correct layout and symbology, which also works in reversionary mode. It also comes with a full set of integrated checklists that can be ran through the MFD.
We tried making the PFDs independent, but found out that in that setup all the warnings are duplicated and turning off one PFD will remove ADC data from both, rendering the setup useless. We were informed that this is a limitation of the NXi, so we will remain with a mirrored PFD setup.
The engine has received a significant rework, with tech from the PC-12 replacing the smoke-and-mirrors tricks and allowing a much better simulation of it. The plane now features a custom ITT simulation that matches the real plane better. As you climb, ITT will increase and the aircraft will become ITT limited at 12-14000ft, depending on the weather.
A new bit of information for us was that the Kodiak’s power control lever is mechanically limited, and this has been implemented as well. What this means is that you can no longer firewall the PCL, as the engine will restrict its forward travel based on certain restrictions. While this will help in maintaining torque limits, it does not mean that they cannot be exceeded. Also, it is your responsibility to maintain the ITT and NG limits, as the Kodiak still features a damage model. Lastly, some more tweaking has taken place with the engine torque, allowing us to get better torque/fuel flow relationship than before.
We expect the update to be finished this week and go into testing, with tentative release by the end of February.
Sounds great, looking forward to it. Will these changes apply to the float version as well?
I may have missed this, but are there plans for 2024 native version of the Kodiaks, paid or otherwise?
The changes will apply to both Kodiaks. The 2024 versions will be paid upgrades. Not full price, though.
Great thanks for v1.5 that I just got from the FS20 marketplace. Now it feels easier to trim, and also auto trim for flaps changes seems more effective. This has always been one of my favorite planes, and seeing yet more updates with also some new features is welcome and appreciated.
Do you have kodiaks bundle or single plane? I have bundle and still no 1.5 upgrade in mp for my kodiak
-I’ve found the upgrade searching in the Content Mgr…loaded but not tried it yet.
seems like xbox was left behind
Perhaps next week. I will say it seems more optimized now so look forward to that.