Is that some king of Xbox control option. On PC and never used anything weird like that. Probably why I don’t see an issue. Obviously unique to that form of control.
Maybe you can ask @SiRRiPPERORiG as he was able to reproduce the bug.
As I’m only on XBOX I can’t say a word to the PC settings.
No need. I have no need for it. Just curious to know what wasn’t working.
For now you can click it in “flight” mode, not cursor mode. Still looking into it.
I feel very bad to post yet another comment about the flight model, but I have to be honest I am not enjoying landing this plane. With the YD on it’s all well and good, but after I turn the YD off at 200 ft AGL the plane becomes uncontrollable for me. It just starts flying sideways every time. I’ve never experienced a plane flying sideways in any sim but I am sure the PC-12 behaves like this and therefore it is modelled like this. But I am not enjoying it unfortunately. I am only an amateur/hobbyist. I hope others are able to control the plane on short final better than I am.
Revisited the PC-12 last night. Did a hop from Perry, FL (KFPY) to Asheville, NC (KAVL), basically following Hurricane Helene’s path. The PC flew a lot better than I remembered in previous versions and I’m really happy with the progress that’s been made. The only thing I had an issue with was the AP wasn’t quite capturing the altitude - we remained about 150’ low. I’m not discounting the possibility that I have a hardware conflict somewhere, but I don’t really see that behavior in other aircraft. The ground behavior is a lot better. Had pretty much zero issues in a strong crosswind compared to previously.
The PC-12 is a strongly recommended add-on from my end. Essential in a stable of aircraft that fit the mid-range, capacity, and performance mission profile. Can’t wait to see what you do with it in 2024!
Good job!
Updated the SWS PC-12. The cowling door is open at clod and dark and upon aircraft running. I can get a click spot on the cowling from the cockpit but doesn’t close. How do you close this door….crazy it’s open at all.
Delighted to finally be able to announce the PC-12 Legacy panel set for Air Manager.