Single Download to "update all" and make updates better in general

yes, however, It would be good to see these streamlined into a simple delivery system, I have no doubt it could be done more easily and simply like so many other sims and applications before it. It just seems silly to have the application running for hours on end, especially with a large library of third-party addons too. Thanks for your comment and vote :ok_hand:

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Maybe a simplified package manager outside of the sim so you don’t have to run the sim itself?

It would probably work exactly the same under the hood but at least you don’t need to run your GPU at 100% for hours.

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I completely agree ! even if it was something similar to a pre client such as that of War thunder, elite dangerous, start citizen, and I’m sure many more examples are out there. The majority of those are also capable of booting on “startup” and sort their downloads in the background.

Keep voting guys !

But i think they did this with the Xbox in mind. The Xbox won’t support a seperate installer.

So MS Store / Steam / Xbox support basic updates but in order to do similar package management on all these platforms the thing they do now is probably the only option.

For them to make something like this for PC they have to change their mindset and that doesn’t happen very often because that would basically mean they agree their way of doing things is bad.

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I’d be interested to see if they implement anything like this for the xbox, a huge feature for the next gen is doing all the updates in standby mode. I can’t see it being very popular with console users if they have to leave their TV running flight sim whilst it updates for 6hrs before they can play

True but whatever they do, they will want to do the same thing on all platforms, which limits the options.

But either way i voted because i agree something must be done. But it’s not as simple as some people believe it to be.

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The MSFS launcher is known for all the problems it have when downloading the game or an update. Either the download is abusively slow, or it gets stuck at a certain percentage.

I think it is better for the game, both on Xbox Game Pass for PC and Steam, to be downloaded completely through those platforms, since they are more stable when downloading and do not give as many problems.

By the way, the fact that the game is downloaded through the launcher, means that Steam users cannot request a refund if they require it, since the game will take much more than two hours to download.