If you could only have a total of one aircraft in the simulator (ie., no hanger), what would it be?
What I thought was an easy question has turned out to be extremely difficult. Flying one aircraft for ever in the sim, day in, day out.
Out of all the aircraft I have now, I eventually chose the aircraft that ticks most of the boxes in terms of where I fly.
Cessna 152 : (Asobo or JPL)
After the updates with AAU1, I personally haven’t found a strong need for a mod. I used to use the Mugz mod (and the updates to it when the owner changed), but not any longer.
I think some cosmetic work still continues on Github, but the avionics and flight model updates in the native plane feel solid.
As always, it is the BN Islander for me. Simply because I love the IRL aircraft, but BlackBox’s product is also very enjoyable to fly in the simulator and strikes the right balance between FPS and complexity. Cargo, pax, ILS, STOL are all doable. Straddles the eras and can be both retro and current.
It is not the “best” as in the highest level of systems simulation or state saving or simulated failures but I can easily say that if I had to pick only one, it would be AzurPoly’s Transall C160. Nothing else can come close to the level of fun that it provides.
For me it would be the Longitude. It’s faster than any other GA plane in the sim, has decent range and can comfortably get in and out of small regional airports. Just did a trip from the Florida keys to Jamaica cruising at FL430
My only grip I wish it was more customizable and had a better sound set.
The one I keep coming back to is the DCDesigns F14 Tomcat. It’s not the most complex aircraft I own by any stretch. But, I just love flying it. I’ve always had this love affair with this jet and flying her in the sim does not disappoint.
Someone had mentioned the Transall C160 and that one will be my number 1b but could be pushed to 1c if someone brings a C130 into the sim.