Slow adopters - Red Lines

I have a few red lines due to my disability issues. Multiple controllers under simultaneous use are one of them. If it needs more than one hand, I can’t use it. So WASD and looking for chocks and covers while walking around and looking at the aircraft is difficult for me.

And…the much-praised trees. Indeed, from the ground they look superb, a big step forward, no doubt. But, from the air, I think they look really bad. Like green popcorn or peas that have been dropped on the carpet. They don’t ‘blend’ or work with the ground at all. Like the trees and ground are from two different games with 2 different art directions.

The autumnal reds and yellows of the leaves clashed super hard with the sometimes minty green summer grass of the ground textures…it makes it look very video-gamey.

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Thanks to everyone for some very thoughtful and thought provoking comments. It’s really interesting to see the diversity in opinion and the breadth of individual needs and preferences…it shows that we are in a very subjective space when it comes to assessing the state of the new simulator - but also I think, how committed we all our to our hobby of flight simulation……

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My red line is my hardware. My computer can run FS2024, but it doesn’t do it quite as well as FS2020. Therefore, I have to turn the graphics settings down a bit which rather removes the visual advantages of the newer simulator. Since at the moment the improved visuals are really the only selling point for me, due to all the enticing aircraft being borked and career mode being somewhat wonky, I will wait until I have better hardware to shift to FS2024, which I am sure I will do eventually. By that time I’m sure most of the bugs will have been ironed out. I don’t feel dissatisfied with FS2020 after playing FS2024, which I thought I would.

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My red line is the servers issues…

Not constructive I know but 2024 is a mess if I produced something at work that had this many issues they would ask me to stay at home tomorrow.

While I know it’s complex that’s what they promised to produce with trailers and presentations so I can only guess that Microsoft made Asobo rush this out in 2024.

The biggest issue seems to be servers from day 1 and the whole streaming situation with aircraft etc…

My gripe is now after shelving 24 and going back to 2020 I suspect the server issues are impacting game play in 2020 as well. Frequently after months of stability and great experiences we are back to CTD and sound stutters randomly which seem worse during what I suspect are server heavy load times and days.

Just my thoughts and ramblings…


I just don’t trust them anymore and wonder if lots of politics are going on between the two parties.

I have no current intension of upgrading and my default sim is Xplane as I can’t trust 2020 not to play up…


I am sure 2024 will eventually come good. Posts about MS or Asobo not being very interested just do not reflect the pressure they are under. You are absolutely right, we are a very varied bunch and all have different reasons to like Flight Simulator. So lets stay positive as indeed you reflect.
I havent bought 2024 yet but I know I will eventually.
My reason for not having it is not that there are problems, with something as complicated as 2024 you kinda expect issues.
No, it is simply that I spend a lot of time configuring my 2020 setup, programming my various Saitek panels and instruments, programming SpadNext controlling my Streamdeck pages with direct feedback from the simulator etc.
Much depends on established key bindings ofcourse.
I just dont want to go through all that again anymore.
I thought that 2024 would be different but that basically we would be able to carry over 2020 and possibly gradually take more advantage of new features.
But that isnt how it has been launched so it has knocked me back a bit.
(I am aware that there is a way in 2024 to use 2020 key bindings.)
At some point I will buy and have to do a lot of work to get in 2024 to where I am in 2020. But at the moment I am putting that moment off.
But 2024 will come good, of that I am totally convinced.


Good post - and a very thoughtful analysis. Thanks for sharing. The controller issue is also something that I worry about. Like you I’ve spent a lot of time configuring profiles for each aircraft… hopefully the process in 2024 can be improved for us…

My take on the key binding thing is to not trust Microsoft/Asobo to not mess things up again come the next sim launch. The 2024 bindings are more capable but a totally unfriendly experience to use. After all the criticism I wouldn’t be surprised to see it change again.
To protect against this the only solution if you are going to spend some time to set it all up is to do it externally from the sim with another app like Axis & Oh’s. This way your bindings are retained despite any changes. You will always have to change somethings as the sim changes but this keeps it to the minimum and comes into its own when the next iteration (c2028) arrives.


Yes I agree but right now I just dont want to go through all that. If I was interested in all the (what I call) video gaming elements like rescue flights, fighting fires, career mode etc. then the effort might be worthwhile but I am not. So for now I will keep an eye on 2024 and continue with 2020.
But just my choice, no criticism of 2024 intended. it is what it is.

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My red lines:

  • Confidence that VR actually works: toolbars open and close properly, no visual artifacts like windshield reflections, and stable performance
  • PMDG addons work in 2024 - they are the only planes I fly
  • I can ignore all the career mode garbage and just fly a plane
  • All of the “neat” things that are “improvements” from 2020 are deprioritized for actuallyl getting the sim to run.

On the last point, I want the devs to remember that this a a Flight Simulator. Two key words:
-FLIGHT: the sim is no good if flying doesn’t work properly. The weather and flight models have to be accurate and perform to high fidelity.
-SIMULATOR: the flights are no good if I am fighting the simulator all the time. It should be easy to set up my controls (or import them from 2020). Menus and interface should be straightforward. I want to pick a plane (more than likely, the same plane I flew last session) and an airport gate to start at. Then put me in the cockpit so I can fly. If I want to get out and walkaround, let me choose from there.

Anything that doesn’t serve the core function of FLIGHT and SIMULATOR needs to take a back seat. Visuals like random animals that are only viewable for a split second while flying are not a priority. Yes, it would be lovely to have roads and railroads with accurate cars and trains, but only when the actual sim is running well



Red lines - I have three of them:

  1. I am mostly flying in Germany and the aggressive placing of autogen trees has ruined many a small grass airfield. Trees all over even on runways or blocking them completely.
    Many villages you can’t recognise from away because they look like forests with the odd house here and there. Roads and railway lines are buried in trees and many highway (autobahn) intersections are hardly recognisable any more because - you guessed it - they are hidden in trees. The VFR capabilities that once were there are significantly reduced now.
    On FS 2020 that was so much better before the last world update (Germany/Austria/Switzerland).
    As long as this isn’t fixed I can as well stay with 2020.

2.&3. There’s only two planes I’m interested in: the Beech V35B and the A2A Comanche.
The Comanche is working somehow but not completely flawlessly.
And since the Bonanza is an Asobo/Microsoft plane taken over from Carenado that will work for sure I thought I might be lucky and could switch to 24 on day 1. How wrong.

So I can’t fly the planes I want to and I can’t land on many airfields I want to land on which pretty much means FS2024 is not yet for me.
I’ll closely watch how it is all going with 24 and I really hope it is ready for me in June or July.
I am really very keen to do the switch.

Regards, Frank


As of today, I am officially giving up on 2024. Plagued with issues from the start with graphics, sloe loading and controller set up.
I had my X52 controller set up in 2020 perfectly and although I couldn’t transfer this over to 2024, I painstakingly added every setting in 2024. Today, started the sim and all the settings were gone. All of them! Alongside graphics anomalies, CTD’s and sim freezes, It’s just not fit for purpose and should never have been released in this form.
If I could get a refund I would. :frowning_face:

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One of my former studio managers had a saying: ‘All you get when you release unfinished projects is doors slammed in your face.’


Exactly. It makes the platform look really bad in its current form. I know it’s a huge undertaking and I have the utmost respect for everybody working on the sim, but…

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