Hi all,
im trying to download MSFS2020 for about 2-3 Weeks now. Its completely impossible to download it for me and I hope someone can help me. Would appreciate it very much.
1.) Its downloading at a maximum of 5 mbit/s. Thats not even the half of my Internet-speed. (12 mbit/s) Even though its saying that its downloading (with 5 mbit/s)… there are nights… NIGHTS where it downloaded only around 2 gb. In a whole night!
2.) On top of that its looping Files. These big-files. Right now its hanging on 1 file, its trying to download for the last 5 hours. Sometimes i wake up after a night, and it has successfully downloaded the file its looped before… but mostly its looping the same over and over again… not even coming over 5% of the file before resetting to 0%.
I tried everything google was saying!..
I rebooted my Router.
I tried disabling Anti-Vir
I disabled IPv6.
I disabled Autotuning level.
I did the delivery optimization thing.
I tried using Netlimiter.
I tried to delete the specific looping files, but can’t do that, cause the looping file is never in the msfs folder… so thats not working too.
I am downloading via the Microsoft Flight Sim app, and not with Steam if thats relevant.
Im kinda going beserk slowly and hope someone can help me. Thanks.
You sure? It’s not in Packages/Official ? That’s where I find my trouble files when it’s looping. When I see it looping, I close MSFS, delete all of the file parts in Packages/Official that are part of the big combined file that’s failing, I restart MSFS, it redownloads all of the file parts it was stuck on, and so far has fixed it every time for me.
I wish I remembered the looping last update, though, because I measured 200GB needlessly downloaded and redownloaded (and redownloaded, and redownloaded…) when I got back from work. Whoops!
Sadly im pretty sure… Its like… Im stuck at “big-file bla bla.002”
I mean Im able to find the file, which is currently downloading… but only part 001, and not the part its downloading right now… So I could only delete the whole downloading file, but according to another forum thread of a guy who tried this, its not the solution and will get stuck at part 002 again…
12 mbit/s won’t do much good for your streaming experience also.
But have a real good search for that 002 file. It should be somewhere. Otherwise delete the 001 file and go from there.
But again: with only 12 mbit/s, I doubt the final flying experience will be satisfactory.
Its possible to fly in offline mode ^^
But no, Im really sure. Searched a lot for that file. Not there…
Somehow, dont ask me why the 002 file proceeded to alsmost 20%… got little hopes that the loop is over, but otherwise ill try to delete the 001 file