Small but mandatory update today? 24 July 23

I had a small mandatory update today - I think it was only 242mb. There doesn’t seem to be a way to track what updates have been done in the sim. Does anyone know what it was?

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Same. Maybe it was a 242Mb screen shot for the red bull landing challenge on the main menu lol.

the update was only the Red Bull plane landing on the helipad being added as a landing challenge

happy flying

You have to download that from the marketplace yourself, so it’s not the mandatory update.

I think the update screwed up my mouse interaction with the cockpit. Anyone else having issues?

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Probably a nav data update or something similar.

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Maybe a hotfix for the White-Dot… :rofl: :eyes:


Funny you should mention the white dot - that’s what I thought. Too optimistic - the white dot and the white outlines appeared within a few seconds of the next flight! My guess is a data update as @Stardrifter2232 suggests.


I was hoping for that but no.

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Updates seem to change msfs from “full screen” to “windowed”. Can effect the mouse, charging back to full screen in general options seems to put it right.

Hello folks,

The update today only includes new menu assets for the Red Bull Bullseye Landing Challenge. There are no code changes in this update.



It said “UI Widget” being updated . Certainly wasn’t a big download.

Thanks for the reply!

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lol so I was right and the update was basically just for a screenshot.

I appear to have lost the ESC key’s ability to bring up the menu bar at the bottom which leads to Load/Save flights - seemed to coincide with the ‘quick update’ created last night.

I see there’s a smoke system keybind option now. (was it there before now?) Although, it doesn’t seem to work on the redbull plane. I can only turn smoke on using the switch in the cockpit.

How hard would it be to just add a splashscreen detailing whatever any update does? That way everyone knows exactly what the update is adding etc?

Appears now that tapping the space bar twice the Load/Save window pops up!!
Is it me or has it always done that??

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