Yeah, it just blows my mind how they went “let’s adjust them to look better” and then ended up with this result… It’s as ugly as intrusive.
Glad that we now get nameplates for ships but still none for injected traffic (FSLTL, BATC, Vatsim,…).
@CopperNu Alright! Thank you for the reply!
It was a great mod.
Really liked it.
Our loss.
FS2024 nameplates are awful.
I think Asobo said that in 2024 core files can’t be overridden anymore.
So I guess even if someone wanted to, they couldn’t do it at least in the way my and other nameplate mods worked in 2020.
Maybe the guys from //42 find a way with Flow Pro, which works great in 2020 and is on sale right now btw. Will be a small upgrade fee but if they implement their nameplate changes to the 2024 version as well, is worth getting (has a lot of great features aside of it anyway).
No idea what files are not overridable anymore but the ones I tried (only a few) are working. It didn’t work on Common.js, where the UI color is. But that could have been a release day issue and I didn’t try anymore.
My problem is more that i’d rather not want to make a mod that edits core files.