Smooth VR after 10h testing

So after about 10h testing in VR I have no (!) stuttering at subjective best quality.

The most important thing was apparently that I

  1. uninstalled Windows Mixed Reality again and reinstalled the current version, the same for the Dev Tools WMR and then use the setting Dev Tools Reprojection disabled, Driver 56.38 for the 3090 RTX and 100% at Custom Render and Render Scaling. .

Important: Start WMR Portal BEFORE FS and put the glasses on once so that the VR is fully started and minimize the WMR window !

32 GB
HP Reverb G2

I currently have the smoothness from the trailer preview.


Thank you very much. This is the content we need here in this forum!

My G2 is unfortunately not delivered yet but I hope it will arrive during my vacation at home.

Your findings will be very helpful for me and others for sure.

Merry Christmas


FS doesn;t use much CPU lol, guess it’s another user who sees 20% on their cpu and thinks it’s not being used. Infact your CPU is pegged at 100%!! this game is not DX12, therefore can only make use of 1-2 cores, that 20% cpu usage your seeing is across your WHOLE cpu all the cores, look deeper you will find 1-2 cores pegged at 99-100%.

Lets not misdirect through ignorance, want to get the facts pointed out before this goes off on a useless diversion.

Oh btw, the biggest clue in this is what you said at the end lol, if that didn’t give it away, then you need it pointing out. GPU at 7% <<<< making sense yet?


Thanks for posting the settings that work for you. I have a Reverb G1 and RTX 2070 , Ryzen 5800X and was utterly dissappointed by the blurry mess i saw. I have now used CptLucky8 settings and others which to improves things, but I havent found the sweet spot yet where i can say i am happy with VR.
To be able to read the gauges in the 172 i found that i had to set WMR to native resolution of the G1 as well as enabling best quality visuals. Now the gauges are super clear but the outside world is still a blurry pixelated mess - so VFR is not enjoyable at all. I will try your settings to see if it improves things. Btw. I also found to my surprise after several hours of GPU being at 100% - that it fell to 7% but with not difference to actual performance and i was perplexed - how could that be? I am not sure if it has do with powersettings or some configuration i did in nvidia control panel. I must admit i changed many setting without rebooting or restarting. But it is really weird. I will try your settings and hope it improves the outside visuals. Thanks again for posting. I hope MSFS team will work with the WMR team to come up with some guidance / fixes in the future for a better experience.


Thank you for posting. My G2 arrived yesterday:)

Several folks have reported such unbelievably low GPU usage in other threads (not all VR related) and then found that when they used another measuring tool they saw 85-100% usage figures.

So you might want to double-check if that’s a correct measurement.

thank you !! Merry Christmas :christmas_tree:

.i wrote „. it’s currently not due to the ultra hardware, just the settings. The FS barely uses CPU „… yes (It means that what you wrote - in my case it is in fact only one CPU-Core)

tried out and got smooth FPS, that is what’s it about? Or any comments how to improve ?

yes - but the end result is now, independent of measures, a smooth sim. Those steps above where those who brought the difference

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Interesting. Are you sure OpenXR isn’t dynamically scaling your G2 way down, thus delivering these improvements? I noticed better, but inconsistent performance when not using a custom render scale.

Have you tried changing the affinity or priority of FS so that Cores 0 and 1 are off-limits to FS and see if that improves the performance? In my case, so far, haven’t seen much difference. Have i9-10900K but only 2080Ti GPU.


On G2 here too, I 10900KF and 3090. Pretty good start I would say. I don’t care much for the controllers.

I tried the 60hz option on the G2. If you can suffer this before your eyes fall off, it’s interesting. Pretty punishing on the bright colors, but you don’t have to downscale so much.

I like how easy it is to get in and out of VR. This will be very good for devellopement.


Would love a screenshot of dev console in game to see frametimes.

That is not the reason that the CPU is so limited, nor will DX12 fix it. Please stop spreading this lie. The Devs literally said that DX12 won’t make a difference.

Absolutely agree. I noticed the same thing when using Windows Perf Mon. I dug into the GPU graph options more and found the GPU usage in VR switches from 3D to Graphics1. You have to change what you are looking at to see it. Other tools show the full GPU utilization as well.

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Absolutely. I used pretty much exactly your settings, and have smoothness, sharp gauges, and a beautiful outside world. Thank you! (HP G2, i9, RTX2080, 64 GB RAM.)

no haven’t but will try …

I think it depends on the settings you are using. I also noticed a low GPU (Nvidia 3080) usage ( in VR. According MSI afterburner only 70% on some cases… I noticed also that the VRAM usage was less then 6000 mb… When I changed the settings:
Trees - Low
buildings - Medium
Both to high i noticed that my VRAM increased to 8900 and also the GPU load was increased from 70% up to 90%, still not 100%.

I still think that some tweaking from de developers is required to squish everythink out of the hardware. So far i’m still pretty unhappy with the quality and smootness of the new VR feature. Also considering that i’m using an Oculus Rift so the amount of pixels is not that big…

I’m still curious how my frames and quality could be that low, for example without VR i was displaying on 5780x1080 (40 frames - all settings to high), and now with Vr (1275x1080) most settings to medium low 35 frames (including horrible micro stutters after installing OpenXR)… This doesn’t make sense to me.

You can get your GPU Utilization higher… You just need to set the right settings… Some settings effect CPU and some effect GPU.

If your getting low GPU up your HDM SS and the ingame Scaler… Both those will up your GPU usage.

Why is this procedure important?