After spending some time go thru the numerous forums/reddit/discord, etc. over the past couple months, I am floored by the number of discussions about the “unflyable” condition of MSFS. If one is to take the time to go through most of those discussions, it is equally surprising to learn that most of the bugs, (I am very aware there are legitimate bugs) are solved when a helpful poster steps in to explain basic aircraft operation or computer science.
Flying, in the purest sense, is easy. I have had plenty of non-pilots in the right seat of real airplanes. In a number of those cases, I let them take control, without any guidance or instruction. Those pure novices were able to fly straight and level. Most were even able to climb or descend, make gentle turns and keep the airplane under control. Some, with simple verbal guidance, were able to get us lined up with a runway and control the airplane on a simple approach. In none of those cases would I allow a novice to go beyond any of those tasks. I would never expect someone with no prior training to be able to safely accomplish much beyond those basics.
Flight simulators, however give those novices a chance to taxi out, takeoff, navigate and land without any assistance. They can probably manage those tasks if the airplane is simple enough. It doesn’t take long before the confidence level develops to the point where they think they have it figured out. Then they try to activate the AP and all of a sudden the airplane won’t turn or fights them when they try to climb. Instant bug report thread. The inability to understand the complex forces and systems creates situations that don’t make sense. The AP is trying to crash the plane. The plane suddenly falls out of the sky when flaps are retracted. The nose pitches uncontrollably when the flaps are extended. All of these have been reported as bugs.
MSFS Broke My Computer
Just take a look at the number of CTD and “Can’t download”, “Can’t start sim”, etc. bug reports that have been solved with simple direction from other, more experienced users. For those that have never used a simulator before the simple fact that sims have ALWAYS pushed the envelope when it comes to available technology is lost on them. Basic systems, poorly configured systems or even seemingly “Top Spec” systems built with budget components are routinely brought to their knees by Flight Simulators at release time.
Even ‘experienced users’ can be caught when comparing to previous titles. None of the other sims released have used multiple companies source code to create scenery, physics, weather, UI, AI, multiplayer support, some legacy support or PBs of data streamed from numerous different servers supplying different parts of the world. The complexity of bringing all these software developers together to create a simulator that runs on a nearly infinite number of different system combinations from laptops to water cooled gaming monsters is nothing short of mind boggling. Unfortunately the side effect of this is a very small tolerance for system stability.
That stability is jeopardized by the strain put on the systems by users simply trying to do too much. Wanting to get the best possible visuals, combined with the fastest frame rates, on the highest resolution available is just NOT achievable with the best hardware available today.
The Solution
A crash course in pilot skills, basic systems operation and computer management is almost a requirement to getting your money’s worth from MSFS. Bugs DO exist in the software, no argument there. The best way to get rid of those is to report them to the developer via ZENDESK, not on a forum or discord. However, not everything unusual or annoying IS a bug. The knowledge is available to determine whether a sudden loss of airspeed or a recurring computer crash is a result of pilot error or simply a computer overheating.
Before we, as users, start eating each others young over brand loyalties or personal desires that some one disagrees about, we need to embrace the spirit of community, (the flight sim community) and try as best we can to raise the less fortunate up. Pass on the knowledge we have developed. Pilots have always been more than happy to help others learn the skills they need. Computer experts have tutored millions in the basics.
Its the season of sharing. Let’s see if we can get into the new year with a sharing of solutions. I am betting that those with an open mind can see a new year without CTDs frustrating them. New pilots will be programming FMCs without flying in circles. Let’s get everyone flying, not fighting with their computers or each other.
The update I would like to see more than any other, is an update to the purpose of this forum. It should be a source of solutions, NOT more frustration.