So the Simulation is dumbed down for Gamers is it? Come on Asobo give us some credit please

Hi @BlastedHeart276 - I want to clear this concern of yours up:

We only remove posts that do not comply with the Code of Conduct. Part of the Code of Conduct requires that posts be of a constructive nature. While this portion of the Code of Conduct has not changed, we have been enforcing it more rigorously of late, you can read more about our policy change here.

We value constructive criticism about MSFS as it helps the developers further understand, triage and resolve problems within MSFS.

You can complain and voice your displeasure as much as you want, we only ask that you are constructive at the same time.

Take the following example posts:

The ATC in this simulator is ■■■■

ATC’s altitude instructions are awful. I was on a flight from KSFO to KDEN in an A320N, when ATC cleared me for descent below the minimum safe altitude. If I stayed at a safe altitude it would cancel my IFR clearance and my approach, so I followed their instructions leading to a crash on the side of a mountain.

ATC needs to take the terrain into account when issuing clearances!

The non-constructive example (top) provides no meaningful information, no one will be able to understand, reproduce or document the issue, and therefore the issue cannot be resolved. The bottom paragraph allows a user to vent, and voice their frustration, while still providing enough information that positive changes can be developed.