Solution for Stutters & Pauses (updated for SU5)

Well here I am with cure number 46. Disable dynamic thread boost using Lasso. After 46 failures I didn’t hold much hope of a solution. But have finally found something that made a difference. Now it’s not a total cure for minor stutters, they still happen, but a lot less frequently. Where I found the big difference was the long major stutters during flight, which disappeared. Really noticeable in areas like Los Angeles and Sydney.

So went from this significant and consistent -30 FPS for about 5 seconds (notice all the nasty blue which as about 12FPS)

To this. While there a few red (less than 30) there was long stutters

I tested this a 3 or 4 times now to make sure it wasn’t just MSFS being its usual inconsistent self. But every time without the fix, long stutters. Every time with the fix, pretty smooth.

Major Improvement !!! Thanks to

Now the only question is how do we turn this on permanently so we don’t have to do this manual fix each time we start MSFS.

For anyone who would like to replicate the big stutters and test this fix for themselves. Take off from KLAX in the A320 and cut the power back after takeoff (autothrottle off). Turn right after as you cross the coast. Level off at about 2000 ft and follow the coast until Santa Monica Municipal is to your right. After you pass this turn right and follow the line of tall buildings which curve in an Arc towards the main Los Angele CBD, you’ll have a freeway to your right, and beyond tahta Santa Monica airport again. Then as you cross another freeway which runs from left to right MSFS should have a major ■■■■■ spit. Then try the same circuit with the fix enabled. No ■■■■■ spit by MSFS. :grin:

Fix not applied - Big MSFS ■■■■■ spit

Fix applied - No MSFS ■■■■■ spit