Some Deluxe, Premium and Aviator Aircraft Still Missing 20NOV

Still missing all of the deluxe and premium deluxe aircraft and about 50% of my 2020 craft. I messaged the help desk and was told to wait. That was days ago. Still no better. I have great stable internet rtx4090, 64gigs ram, i9 24 core 32 thread, so I don’t think the issue is on my end. Beyond frustrated that I can’t get the planes I paid for. If no dice by the end of the week, I’ll see if steam will refund the DLC. I heard a rumor that they were doing that now…

How many people are working on Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024?

We have over 500 team members across several teams who are working to make Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 the biggest and most advanced consumer flight simulator ever released… but they cant solve ppl preordered releases? I recieved the standard version but ordered the Aviaton version :frowning:

I still have no changes here. Still don’t have the full Aviators package.

Still some 2020 items missing as well.

I still have no changes here too. Still don’t have the full Aviators package.

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I own the Aviator upgrade, The 172 steam guage version is a configuration option of the 172 Skyhawk G 1000.
It is broken though (electronics not working properly).

After sending a ticket to Zendesk, I booted up today to check out the update, and it now looks like everything is there. As far as the Aviators package. Still some 2020 stuff outstading.