Hello there,
I have flown today from Vancouver to Tokyo.
I love doing this flight, I have done it multiple times but havent flown that route for a while.
Today I started at Vancouver, with about 45fps high settings using Rex.
The flight went super smooth and very well, lots of snow on the way.
The problem started after about 6.5 hours into the flight, my fps suddenly started to go down. after 30-45mn if found myself at around 19fps flying at FL360 clear skies.
I have done some research but wasnt able to find anything.
anybody got an idea what this issue is? never had this happen to me before.
i7 9700K 4.8Ghz RTX3070
I’m not sure, but pls try this, maybe it can help you.
Go Setting in REX…
Check “Adjust Weather Transition Rates” and use 100 ms
hope it works for you. Good flying !!
Do you have AI traffic enabled? They say that long flights with AI enabled result in FPS downgrade as time passes due to lack of flushing of AI data. Haven’t experienced it myself since I don’t fly that long.
I disabled Ai traffic when the issue happened but it didn’t bring my fps back !
Maybe checking the temperature of your hardware can help. Could be performance decrease caused by heat.
Another possibility: Your internet connection was bad at this moment.
impossible ! i am not overclocked ! and I’ve never had this on xplane 11
I guess its worth to say that the outside temperature where i live is -18 ! so it is hard to believe my cpu would reach anywhere past 66c which is usually the max temps i get when overstressing my system
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Ok, with that OAT over heating really isn’t a factor. Did you test your internet stability with Speedtest f.e?
Doing it maybe every hour one time, could provide us information about fluctuations in your download speed.
1gbps constant internet speed ! hmm ! hard to see internet speeds reduce in-game fps when flying at least 6 hours over open water, we’re talking about vancouver to tokyo
Yeah, still it could be part of the issue. We don’t know, how exactly the game handles downloading of the content.
I think, it could be worth trying to proceed in troubleshooting.
I also had this issue one time, as soon as I started an approach. But the issue was solved by itself.
How much RAM you got installed? This setting will increase your pagefile (Virtual RAM). If you got enough RAM installed, this shouldn’t be changed.
But, maybe there is an issue with your computer utilizing your RAM. How fast is your RAM and which speed you got set up in your BIOS?
3200 shown on bios
i’;ve got 32gb of RAM
Do you got the pagefile managed atm?
Maybe try to lower RAM speed. My RAM is listed as 3200MHz too, but running it at that speed makes gaming unstable for me, CTDs are occurring aswell.
That issue was fixed. It’s no longer a problem.
have you tried a long haul flight ? try it out and let me know how it goes after 6/7 hours in the sky
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Ok i use “Mem reduct” it’s amazing for me
and try SetTimerResolution
I had this happen to me before. Started with normal frame rates, eventually they started to drop. Checked task manager and found that FS was leaking memory until it eventually crashed.