Speed settings

Why shows at the start Airbus a320 V2 the SPD with -100- and not the three dots normal ??

You are not in managed mode. Have you initialized the FMS yet?

Even after the FMS initialization, the 100 still remains ???

You’re still not in managed mode.

when the speed is displayed in the window, you are in selected mode, when it is blank, managed.

In order for this to work, you need to ensure your FMS setup is complete, and then press the button (under the speed window) to enter managed mode.

The fact that the FMS setup is complete and the flight plan is loaded can be seen from the three lines on the HDG, previously it was 000.
I pressed the button under the speed with the mouse x times, unfortunately without to enter managed mode


But have you filled in all of the takeoff speeds in the PERF page of the MCDU?

Edit: You are in open climb. Right click the altitude knob to change the altitude to managed mode

Those three lines on the heading only indicate that lateral navigation is set correctly.
A completed setup would display SPD - - - * HDG - - - * selected alt *

As mentioned above, there are more steps in the MCDU setup left to do.

I think you’d benefit from a Google Search on flying the A320 from cold and dark.

There are many great tutorials from real world pilots that will walk you through this setup.

320 Sim Pilot has a full series, FilbertFlies is another great one.

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Thank you for your help . Problem solved !!!

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