Start flight at any position on the ground, cold and dark or ready to go

I’ve checked the FStarter website and watched the videos. I don’t see anything that mentions being able to start cold & dark from a ground location. The videos show starting at a ground location with the aircraft running.

When I say “cold and dark”, I mean the initial sim state when the sim starts, not the state of the sim after operating an aircraft and saving the location marker,

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You can start anywhere on the planet in cold & dark with FStarter. On a road, a roof top or an field or anywhere.
Start MSFS and then start at your default airport/gate in cold &dark. In FStarter just find your location on the map and start from there in cold & dark.

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Please let me know if I understand this correctly.

I finish a flight and save the location. After my next simulator start, I open the sim at any default location as cold and dark. I then use FStarter to select my saved location marker from the previous session and I am transported to that location with a fresh simulation cold and dark scenario.

Choosing an FStarter location only moves to that location and does not reinstate the sim variables and status at the time the location is saved. Whatever ones current sim status, that status remains current when selecting a FStart location. Did I state that correctly?

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There are several methods to save flights in FStarter.

#1)FStarter save offline method #1 (MSFS off): Saves location - with default alt , hdg, and spd
#2)FStarter save online method (MSFS on): Saves location, alt, hdg, and spd of existing flight
#3)FStarter save offline method #2 (MSFS on or off): Saves location, alt, hdg, and spd set by user
#4)FStater save MSFS method (MSFS on): Saves all simulator and airplane data.

Loading off saved instances #1-2-3 start new flight with all simulator and airplane data of existing flight, but with the location, alt,hdg and spd of save instance data

Loading off saved instance #4 start with saved simulator and airplane data

All loading of saved flights can be selected from a map where all saved flight have its own marker.

In addition FStarter have other functions to play with and more is coming.

Image of new map features coming in FStarter v3.1.0


Hello Team Asobo and FS Pilots,

Dream wish, I have wanted since way back when… To be able to click on a start point on the world map, on a terrain location, and be able to have the option of starting on the ground. The plane would of course be in ‘Apron’ start mode (parking spot style cold and dark ‘mode’ ). Perhaps when doing this, a tick might appear when not selecting an airport, where it would say ‘start in air’ = Yes or No

Please vote. Would be fun to finally be able to do terrain bootups on cold dark flights, even runway flights from a nice field (perhaps) with engine running.



FStarter do all that.

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There’s 4 good ways I know of to start anywhere in MSFS in the sky or on the ground/water, and even though I wrote one of them (Location Manager) I also use all of them as well as my own.

In addition to teleporting they all have some unique useful features that solve other problems too. So they’re all good in their own way, and I recommend having all of them in your toolbox of addons/apps.

MSAsobo may well at some point implement this feature, but I’m pretty sure they won’t replicate the other grab bag of useful things we all bring to the table to make your UX better.

It’s not possible to fully save the state of the plane including location and auto start the sim with the plane in the same state and location, for various reasons.

We’ll see what 2024 brings.

This should be a selectable option too.

Many people don’t want to burden their install with a bunch of add-ons.

In my case, I added this, that, and the other thing to “improve” MSFS and to include features that I thought “MSFS should have”, and the result was a destabilized system that was far enough gone that I ended up nuking it back to bare-metal and reinstalling everything from scratch.

This time I’m going to be extremely picky about what add-ons I include.

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And to be able to start at some of the many thousands of simple dirt strips that don’t have defined parking spots in a cold and dark state, or at the water runways in the default game that lack parking/mooring spots in a cold and dark state. I’ve been banging this drum for years lol.


MSFS content is a modular system. You can’t destabilize the base system unless you directly hack the files, which you should never do (contrary to some advice on this forum and elsewhere).

If you use a tool like addson linker there’s no need to “nuke” anything, you just load into your community folder what you like through presets of different groups of assets, or leave it empty. Ditto for official updates or markerplace additions, they can be installed or uninstalled ad hoc.


Also at any height on the map or at any speed


You can do that in the addons I mentioned, including locman, or at least a decent operating window.


That’s what I thought too, but when I put everything back, and then deleted add-ons linker, my install was borked, half the aircraft were missing (and no, it wasn’t a symlink issue), and nothing I would do would recover. I couldn’t even reinstall MSFS bare-metal because it insisted I didn’t have enough room even though I had plenty. . . .

. . . .so I nuked the entire system back to bare-metal, using a live Linux Mint installer USB device running the “dd” commsnd1:
dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/[my SSD] bs=4096M,
and let it run for about five minutes or so while I got a cuppa coffee.

This results in a mass storage device that has apparently never been used and I re-install everything from that point.


  1. “Don’t try this at home, these are trained professionals!”
    • If you’re not familiar with Linux, the command line, and superuser maintenance tools, please don’t do this as it can irretrievably destroy your system install.
    • A tongue-in-cheek description of the “dd” command is “data-destroyer”.  It’s an extremely useful and very powerful command that is worth learning, but must be used only after carefully deliberating what you need and with great care as it is absolutely irreversible.
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Loading saved flight cockpit is cold and dark

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World Hub to the rescue here, methinks.

The ability to begin a flight from any waterway would make seaplanes much more enjoyable. Say for example, I wish to start from a random island in the Caribbean or a lakeside campsite from real life.

With FStarter24 you can start anywhere.

Just a shoutout for FS24 which has implemented exactly this request. Cold and dark or ready to fly anywhere at all. And it actually seems to work as well!

Same options over water too.