Start flight without walkaround (MSFS2024)

That is another wish list thing I love to see, the option to put it back after I parked, sometimes I do pure realism flights in that case I do full inspection check but also want to put everything back on after parking


I think on the A330 e.g. you can add them back on the efb.

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Agreed, I just want the option to start cold and dark in the cockpit again like in 2020.


And itā€™s even worse at night, as I just discovered. I was trying out the 321 Neo, and it wouldnā€™t push back, so I got out to mess around in the dark trying to find the nose wheel chocks. Finally worked out which key is for the torch, burned out my retinas, man whatā€™s with all lights in this sim being mini suns!!! I remove the chockā€¦ next minute my aircraft is a run away up the apron, no way to get it back. On the positive side, I laughed so hard, I did my back in. :rofl::rofl:

Thereā€™s a long road ahead, servers are still on their knees tonight!


Sometimes you just have to laugh at the bugs and issues, itā€™s the only way to stay sane.


Thatā€™s true, but isnā€™t that using the Inibuilds Tablet vs a native FS function.

I was under the impression the standard EFB would be a little more integrated and replace all these vendor specific tablets.

That said, the vendor tablets work far better than the new asobo efb unfortunately


Missed this post but seconded. I am sure there are cases where it makes sense but 99% I just want to get going. A quick free cam sweep does the trick for me


ah ah ah ah, that happened to me tooā€¦i had brake axes on pedal inverted.

Speaking about walkaround: we could have an option simulating co-pilot who does the job (like IRL).


+1 here. Itā€™s simply frustrating when you go for a quick ride and after starting engines you find out that you forgot to remove something on the outside. Create a key to remove all from the cockpit, please.


This is a sim, and the default planes are not at the level of something like A2A where things can actually be wrong and picked up in the walkaround (will never forget finding a rag in the cowling in FSX)

So walkarounds are just a complete waste of time.


Still. I get that some like to play that way. All I ask for is, make it optional :).


Lets hope they give us a way to skip this walk aroundā€¦ its super annoying.


As a real world airline pilot, we do NOT remove covers etc in a walk around. The engineers do that. The walk around should be optional, so that we can just start in the cockpit for a cold and dark start.


:white_check_mark: SIM INFORMATION

This is vital information for our test team, please do not skip it or your issue may not be able to be reproduced or fixed.

MSFS 2024 Store version

:white_check_mark: ISSUE DESCRIPTION

  1. Description of the issue:. Walk arounds should be optional. Especially if we want to start cold and dark in an airliner.

  2. Did you remove all your community mods/add-ons? If yes, are you still experiencing the issue?. Empty community folder


Yes please, make it optional. And when in walk around mode please have the stairs connected to the plane so we can climb up the A330 for example and not stand below and open the door from below. It does not make sense. Thanks


Making it optional would go hand-in-hand with allowing us to open doors and canopies without exiting the aircraft. This is a much requested feature itself.

Lastly, it would good to replace the chocks etc after the flight ends, and have the aircraft location and state saved for the next flight. Both of those are also requested features, and thereā€™s a lot of synergy between them all.


Not only make it optional, but starting in the terminal with jetway connected, or on the apron with stairs connected would be awesome too.

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They do make walkarounds or delegate it to the FO. BUT they always go to the flightdeck first! After first cockpit prepartion they leave the Aircraft for a walkaround.
No Captain walks up to the Airliner from the taxiway. They either take the Jetway or come with a crew bus and climb the stairs.

The mandatory walkaround is clearly for GA only and should be optional.


absolutely true

Seriously Mustang? I would assume his source for this information is the reality that people fly this simulator with a joystick/keyboard or a game controller and really donā€™t care to remove engine covers to immerse themselves. Sometimes ā€œbecause you canā€ does not outweigh time/effort towards itā€¦just think how much better this simulator could have been if all the time and effort that went into programming walkarounds was spent on aircraft and environmental graphics and ensuring a more polished product at release. If walkarounds were so highly wanted, third party developers would have created that option years ago in previous versions, meanwhile you cannot even fly the Basic C-172 on release day.