Steep dive A320

Flying the A320 and everything is fine. Nearing end of descent at 3000 feet. AP on V/S Speed. Heading and Speed on Selected. Speed 225 knots. Flap 1. Suddenly, out of nowhere, the aircraft makes a deep dive, as if all air just disappeared, and after a few seconds smash into the water. Enroute from EKBI to EKCH and nearing the airport. Happend three times in a row now…

I use the Honeycomb Alpha Yoke. Set null-zone to 25 %, but doesnt seem to solve the problem…

Any clues?

Default or mod?
Anything in your community folder?
Does it happen at any other airport?
Is the deadzone is on your Y axis (sorry if that’s too basic a question)?
Do you use FSUIPC?

Thank you for your reply!
Using FBW 0.5.1 (the dev fix after Simupdate 2)
Havent seen it before around EKCH but never tried approach to RWY30 before either. (using EKCH from FlyTampa)
The null-zone is on the Y-axis yes.
I am not using FSUIPC.

It could be the mod, I would try the latest version after yesterday’s update.
If that doesn’t do it, I would try it without the Fly Tampa scenery.
If it keeps appearing at other airports, you might want to think about using FSUIPC7
as it seems to eliminate a lot of controller related issues.

Thanks, I will try that.

Tried a new flight without mod. This time the AP went crazy in another way, suddenly into overspeed and not possible to slow down.
Tried again, but this time with mod and from ESGG to EKCH, landing RWY30 again. And now without any problems whatsoever. Strange…

If you don’t already know, the mod is updated at least daily.
The best thing to do is, before you start the sim, upgrade the mod.
If you don’t have the installer, get it.
Start it and it checks for updates, then with one click, it downloads and installs them.

Thanks! Updated and so far so good :slightly_smiling_face:

Merry Christmas!

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