Steering on ground impossible

I use an xbox controller and before now, I haven’t had any issues with the aircraft in the air or on the ground. I’m obviously missing a setting. The plane on the ground is all over the place when using rudder to steer it. Any ideas please

Merry Christmas

I’ve assigned LT and RT on the controller for the rudder
I have noticed that from outside the plane, I press either of the buttons to turn left or right but as I press and keep the button pressed, the rudder returns to its normal position instead of keeping in the turn.

I would check the controller axis is set as an axis within the sim, it sound like in sin the control may be set as a button… a bit of a hunch on my part but will only take a couple minutes for you to check.

Where do I check this?
I have been in the controls part of the sim and clicked on my profile for the controller. I’m twiddling about with the sensitivity but no luck

Check in your assist if rudder assist, or something like that, is enabled

It’ll screw your taxi big time

I’m using a Dual Sense and i have rudder, ailerons and elevator on the sticks. It feels way better than having it on buttons or the trigger.

OK, thanks everyone, I will try this and get back👍

I had the same problem. Solved by switching assistance off for take-off and landing.

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Using the G940 rudders for the PC and i did notice it was way too sensitive after installing the su. Went all over the place. Might indeed be the easy settings that i didn’t put back to full real yet.
I miss the deadzone settings though.
Try to fly as real as possible, it is rewarding.

OK, i agree, so i have set my xbox controller to these in this video and the TBM is now flying superbly.
This is Simhanger Flight Simulation channel. Search configuring your Xbox controller

Let me know if anybody tries this configuration what you think.
Thanks to everybody for information.

If you haven’t played for a while, this is most likely your solution. If the problem has only occurred recently, then ignore this advice.

This bug was solved many patches ago but it required that we rebind the rudder to a new axis that they added to the game. Another solution is to reset your controller bindings to default; that automatically removes the old rudder bindings and applies it the the updated axis.

Thanks for that. The above channel has helped loads, it’s back to normal.

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