Still no aviator edition even though Played an Hour aerosoft aviator not unlocking

Even though I spent some time trying to activate my unlock from Aero soft for the Standard Edition, despite having paid for it and submitting my Gamertag, I still cannot access the promised Aviator upgrade. Instead, it is attempting to charge me £199.

I played for sure at least an hour of sim time so that asobo could see the account.

As the instructions said you had to play

I submitted to aero soft special form but only still have standard edition showing in xbox pc even though thats the platform paid for


Did you buy aviator edition? Where did you buy it? What platform?

Got the same problem over here, nobody is trying to solve this problem. Guess we’ll have to go to the Supreme Court if this stays that way. No value for your money at all and MS keeps on being silent. The vendor also has no idea to solve this problem.

When they said it was delayed I basically thru a Jussie fit and basically said under uk law demand a refund for failing to provide a product in a timely manner