Store is not offering the newest update (

Hi there!

Store is yet to offer the newest update. I have tried the following:

  • Updated Windows
  • Updated Store
  • Reinstalled MSFS Client (!) (it installed 1.16.X.X again)
  • Leaved beta preview from the Xbox Insider Hub app
  • Restarted Windows (several times)

Now I’m out of ideas. Any suggestion is very much appreciated!



All of the sudden Store started downloading the update, just as the lightning struck a few metres from my house.

Solution: Wait for local thunderstorms.

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Local thunderstorms here, but no update!

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Smae earlier no matter how many times clicked get updates the msfs app wouldn’t update, but starting the sim sent me to the store then it started downloading the app update.

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The realism of the sim gets more scary every update :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Installed fine here from Steam, great it’s resolved for you!


I was not seeing the update. Rebooted my system and it came up. Installed and working.


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