I just created a flight plan for MS 2020 with LNM and tried to export it to MS 2020 as a PLN. It is directing me to save it in my folder for XP 11 flight plans.
Where does MS 2020 store exported flight plans so I can fly it with MS 2020?
Thanks in advance,
Otrman AKA Henry
I think you can just point MSFS to the folder where you save your flight plans.
This is where my FP’s are going. Replace NZXT with your login name:
It doesn’t matter where the default locations are. MSFS and LNM will both go to whatever was the last folder you used to load / save from. Pick a folder that’s at an easy location for you to find and manage without having to dig down 16 folders deep in the default location (like c:\ Flight Plans) and use that for all your programs.
What all of these guys said. You can even leave them in you X-Plane folder and open them from inside of MSFS. Also any .PLN will work, so if you wanted to you could even fly your old X-Plane flights. I have done this using P3d. One thing to be aware of. If you try to make any modifications to your plan from inside of MSFS, it will turn it into a direct Departure to Destination flight.
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