Strange ground textures

I keep getting odd ground textures. This started a couple of days ago and before the last update.

You mean the colour shift? Looks like satellite imagery from 2 different dates that the AI hasn’t been able to clean up fully.
Do you get this everywhere? or just specific locations? Was this in a new location you haven’t visited before, or at a location the previously looked good, but now doesn’t anymore?

Thanks for replying. It was at Isle of Man, a location I hadn’t been to before. I tried a couple of aircraft and got the same result. I’ll try a location I know and see if the scenery is O.K there.

yeh, most likely a small local satellite imagery issue then. You get these here and there (not surprising seeing they mapped the entire planet).

Hi, tried 4 known locations and no problems. The textures appeared again at the same spot. As you say probably just local. Still the best sim going. Thanks for your help.

No problem at all, happy to help.

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