Strange this has not been mentioned about PMDG 737-800 for MSFS

I don’t exactly know where to post this topic, so I thought it appropriate to post it here in General Discussion.

When I recently switched from XP-11 to MSFS 2020, the first payware I bought was PMDG 737-800 version 3.0.69 (the latest version; my system is also up-to-date with the latest MSFS version and updates, and NVidia graphic updates). Unfortunately, I was disappointed to notice that the main and nose gears sink halfway into the runway on touchdown, and does not correct itself until it comes to a complete stop prior to taxi to terminal. All models of the PMDG 737-800 for MSFS do this in all airport runways that I tried. YES, the plane was well-configured on final for the landing, and NO, I did not touchdown hard in all the landings I did, so the wheels sinking halfway in the runway was not due to tire blow-outs or hard braking. On multiple tries, I made sure that I corrected or cleared (“repaired”) any and all “failures” indicated in the PMDG FMC, which did not help. Unfortunately, I’ve not been able to post this in the PMDG forums (I think there’s something wrong with their accepting new registrations). I use FS Realistic and Sky Dolly (for replays). Problem still happens when I turn off FS Realistic. It’s very disappointing for a reputable flight sim publisher to release a product with this bug. Makes me miss Zibo’s modified 737-800x in XP11 which is, in my humble opinion, so far the best model for an immersive flight sim experience in a B737-800 both visually and in its flight dynamics!!

Has anyone else who has purchased PMDG 737-800 noticed this problem in MSFS? Anyone know of a fix for it? I checked Google to see if this has been discussed in any of the flight sim forums (, AVSIM, PMDG, etc.), but did not find anything specific to this.

Thanks for any info anyone can share!

Jetline Systems: Windows 11, Intel Core i7 8-Core Processor (5.1 GHz Max Boost Clock), 32GB DDR4 3200MHz RGB SDRAM, 12 GB GeForce RTX 4070 Graphics Card

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Guess no. But I didn’t checked the outside view if the wheels are halfway sunk, because everything works well with the PMDG 738.
But on the other hand, I noticed a lot of things sink into the ground and I would think that’s a MSFS thing. Funny when you land with a helicopter in an arena and you will sink into the ground and see everything from 6 feet below.

All - MSFS and XP-11 and some in 12, even FSX the wheels appear to sink into ground. I am not sure they really are, just think its the way the colors blend into each other, and that is as good as graphics can do it.

OP-Sorry you left XP, it’s better in lots of ways than MSFS, and 11 and 12 cause me way less grief in getting things to work. PMDG737 is most likely best plane alongside F-14 from DC Designs. In XP just purchased SSG-747 and it’s modeled very well, as I can tell. It had “issues” getting it to work, and it’s as complicated as PMDG and even MSFS-747. I still have XP-11 on system for one plane but do not use it a lot.
Happy Flying.

Not sure why you couldn’t create a forum account at Their forum will occasionally be slow to respond for unknown reasons but I see new folks joining all the time. Try again and post a picture of your tires sunk below the surface. Include exact airport and runway and let’s see if anyone can reproduce it. I for one have not seen it with any PMDG aircraft.

There’s going to be a much better F14 from Heatblur that will be high fidelity. And if you want to do more than fly around at mach unpossible, the DCS is Fully modeled, including radar and shooty boom boom tools.