Stuck at 68% MSFS2024 (PC)

yea, I agree… some have mentioned improved loading times if frame rate limiting is disabled (mine is maxing at 120fps while loading which is the same as my monitor refresh). The fact the loader for FS2020 and FS2024 uses so many resources to just load/download the game is absolutely crazy!

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probably well known, but the new 2+gig patch doesn’t help this issue. I’m still only able to get it to load 1 in every 4 attempts. I think out of my 4+ hours of reported game usage, it must be about 4 hours just loading :joy:

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This is ridiculous…i have the same problem…maybe a little bit more lucky here but it’s allways a nightmare to load…

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I downloaded the game yesterday.
Had to shut off the PC and try again 9 times before the game would finish loading (4 hours).
Played the game just fine after that.

Today I started the game, 10 minutes later I was in.
Then a crash after starting the exam.
Now loading for 3 hours again and still not in the game.

■■■■ Microsoft! Get your ■■■■ together! Never have I aver had so much trouble starting a game.


I’ve not been able to play this now, since Friday. Just can’t get past the 68% no matter how many times I try. I mean the 100% cpu usage and average of 2164 frames a second is certainly doing something, but loading and getting to a working game is not it currently…

I may have mentioned this before but the only thing that allowed my game to start was installing it on my main C:/ drive.
It seemed to sort out the game folder structure.
After it is installed on the default drive the community folder can be moved to where you want it.
Just a suggestion to try with no guarantees because of all the problems many are facing in order to get the game to start. Try to start before moving the community folder.
Good luck to you.

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What CPU and motherboard you have?

It’s a pretty old PC…having looked up when I bought it, it’s from 2011 :smiley:

Asus P8P67 Pro Motherboard
INTEL Sandybridge Core i5 2500K O/C to 4.5GHz (since 2011!)
NVidia 1660 Gfx
16 Gig Ram

Has no problem running any other game I have (not that I’m a massive gamer), and MS2024 runs fine at 1080p on low computer spec settings

alas, my C drive is small. I finally got the game to fire up yesterday after a combination or reinstall and reboots…

EDIT: Actually, is this game really just 10 Gig? I could try it on C drive…

EDIT2: Although they’ll be a bigger ‘rolling cache’ file, it seems, as well…

You are right DrW1g. The game is a very small install as they are using servers to stream the aircraft and world data. if you move your community folder and decide to use any addons, just go slow and use trial and error to check that your addon aircraft or scenery are working properly.
The game is very demanding on graphics and CPU but hopefully you can get to try some flights now.
I built a new computer in 2020 and could have bought a nice used car for what I have paid.
There is a lot to get used to in MSFS 2024 but I for one will try to persevere.

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ok, you’ve convinced me. I’ll try this tonight :slight_smile: My success in loading has been terrible, so it’ll be easy to notice any improvement, and I’ll report back. My community folder etc. is empty, so no worries there.

P.s. when I do get in, I’m really enjoying the game. The rally races are really fun :slight_smile:

Uninstall Ed and reinstalled on default C drive. Started the game 3 times and it loaded and ran every time… I’ve never got it to successfully load 2 times in a row before!

Moved the rolling cache to my other drive (it doesn’t delete the old one, if course!).

Thanks for persevering with your advice @Alienel007 :blush:. I owe you one :blush:

EDIT: Make that four times. Defo not a fluke, I think. I’m now happily top of the silver challenge league :grin:

My old PC is coping well… Easily average more than 30 fps, and more often :smirk:



This is great. I hope you can keep things running smooth and soaring to new heights. I should try some of these challenges instead of flying around aimlessly. Congratulations.

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one more tip for anyone else with a PC as low end as mine…uninstalling the NVidia app made a significant difference to the smooth running in terms of FPS.

Also, running at 1440p resolution (my monitor’s resolution), but rendering at 75% (so 1080p basically) with temporal interpolation on rather than running the whole game at 1080p results in slightly better graphics but the same FPS

If you haven’t got head-tracking (I’ve got TrackIR from the early noughties which still works great!), you’re really missing out! (TrackIR alternatives: A review of several “free” head-tracking alternatives to use with Flight)

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Hello DrW1g !!
Happy here to see you can at last Play and enjoy the game !!! :smiley:
To resume things, i wanted to ask you some questions:
Do you think it’s better to have the community folder on the same disk as the game ? i installed the game on the main ssd drive but i moved the community folder on the other drive… do you think it could interfere ?
it’s so frustrating…
Thanks by advance for your advices !!!


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I’ve moved the rolling cache (currently at 16GB) without issue. I’ve not tried moving the community folder as yet, as I don’t have anything in that, but I suspect that explicit change in the settings/location would be fine.

Do you still have the ‘sticking at 68% issue’ with the game installed in the default location on C drive? My load does still look like it might be sticking at 68%, but always gets past it eventually, now (as it does on a few % values)

I do plan on moving it, so will do so tonight and report back.

Thanks a lot for your answer !
Yes currently, the game is installed on C: drive with the rolling cache also on C: i moved my community folder on D: and it allways stayed on D:
Also, I have to say that i tried with the community folder empty but i still have the 68% that happens nearly every day i try…(sometimes i have to load 4 times to be able to play…)
Last note: On the community folder, I only keep a folder to use the axis and ohs plugin for my streamdeck, and sometimes the navigraph stuffs (that i finished to also delete, to test…)
But yes my game is installed on the C:

looks like I’m back to square one tonight. Haven’t managed to get it to load past 68% :frowning:

Interestingly, the rolling cache has moved itself back to C drive for some reason (the E drive file hasn’t been modified since last night…the one on C drive has reappeared and modified tonight!)

I’ve deleted both and trying to launch again now (3rd or 4th loading attempt now)…

Edit: deleting my rolling cache ccc file seemed to fix (or it was pure luck). Two successful loads after that…

i wonder everytime it works, if it’s pure luck or not…impossible to say, there’s no logic at all…

yea. I think, as someone suggested before, it’s just broken and whether it works is almost pure chance…I’m then looking for patterns that aren’t there and finding them.