Stutter after ~20 minutes of flying

Whenever I start my VR flight everything is smooth and nice. Then after about 20 minutes I get this stutter that makes the game freeze for at millisecond once every second or so. It makes it impossible to fly longer trips and I’m wondering if anybody knows about a fix?

I am using Oculus Quest 2 with SteamVR.

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I’m not sure if this will fix your VR but, I find disabling hardware virtualisation technology helps me get rid of my stutters in my non-VR mode.

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You can also try closing simlink (navigraph) if you have it. Sounds a bit like it crashed, maybe due to running out of RAM. There was a topic about this behaviour in the PMDG forum for P3D.

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Check out Overkill on youtube, he just posted a possible fix for stutters in vr for steamvr users. Hope it helps, cheers!

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No exaggeration - that has made a huge huge difference.

I always wondered why vrserver had to be running. Obviously it doesn’t.

tl:dr rename vrserver.exe in SteamVR dir

But isn’t that fix for the 2D version?

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Is it relevant for WMR too? (Steam bought MSFS)?

Sorry I missed an ‘r’ so yes actually vrserver.exe
vrserver.exe is a SteamVR executable. Disabling it disables SteamVR, to enable it again, rename back to vrserver.exe.

Yes using WMR, vrserver looks like an unnecessary resource hog to me.

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