Stuttering at approach BUT……

I have a decent system which always ran smoothly even with the graphics setting all at ultra b4 SU7 But now it’s stuttering at approach. However, at the very moment it stutters I check the CPU and GPU, they are less than 20% and 78% usage respectively. I thought they would be used 100% before the sim stutters. Especially that the CPU never exceeds 20% surprises me. Why do we need fast CPU anyway. Is there a way to make more use of the CPU?

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I have a older computer I7 7700k with a 1080 ti. Msfs ran pretty good although that was before SU 7, I am not using the sim right now. I don’t leave everything in the community folder. Before I do a flight I copy what I need. The sim still runs good not even doing that but the load time is much faster. Approaches really use the graphics so that seems to be the most important part. i have 3 monitors one 4k and two 2k

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Only if Asobo rewrites the code in order to use multithreading efficiently.
The 20% you see is 1 core at 100% and the others at 10-15.


I checked Task Manager/Performance, all 8 cores worked approx. same percentage, which is less than 20%, some slight variation though

stuttering is sometimes just waiting on texture loads or data from internet.

If you’re having issues moving data from HDD or SSD, or getting data from the web, it really doesn’t matter how wicked bad your CPU or GPU might be.

If you run in dev mode and turn on its fps tracker you’ll likely see limited by mainthread because your mainthread first core will be fully saturated at that time most likely based on this description.


My SSD is fast enough. If it’s the server side data congestion the stutter should happen to everyone.

How much ram do you have?

Well, thats supposing it is server side. Maybe it isn’t. Maybe its instream, some occasional latency that happens between you and the server.

Now, the standard gamer response to that is ‘no, my internet is way fast.’ and in case you’re the guy who would say that, I’ll go a notch further and say there are dozens of nodes between you and the server. Any of those are potential failure points and have nothing at all to do with you, or MS, or your provider. The internet is a fickle beast.

Now, one thing I DID notice in my personal machine is that MSFS hates overclocked CPU’s for some reason. If you are running any kind of overclock beyond the out of the box settings, try turning that off and see if it gets better.

In my case I had a surging thing going on with frame rate, it’d be good, then go really bad for a second then be good for say 10 or 20 seconds then bad again… Turned off my CPU overclock and poof, problem solved. Why? Don’t know. Probably some sync problem between the CPU and a cache or memory, I really don’t know, I’m not a computer scientist. But it fixed it.

To rule out any server problems, could try to manually cache an area and fly offline?

Even when flying offline like I always do, when the aircraft descends there is a significant stutter and reloading various stuff that can last up to ten seconds when going lower than 2000 feet.

The freezes sometimes take one or even two seconds (while the sim continues running in the background) which leads to a crash because the aircraft continues to freeze - makes a jump forward - freeze - makes a jump forward, and when giving rudder input during a freeze it sometimes flies straight into the ground as soon as the freeze is over and the sim continues to run.

Ok, I think I kinda solved the problem. I expanded RAM to 32 GB (from 16), then overclocked it to 3200 MHz (was 2666 MHz). Did couple of quick approaches before I had to leave home for a week, one on high-end and one on ultra setting both were smooth. But need to further prove with more flights in different locations when I get home. But my gut feeling is I fixed it. So the ram size and speed are critical. If any one has the similar issue, give a try

No I didn’t fix it, still stuttering in some locations. I don’t think we can do anything about it. Have to wait for Asobo to fix it…

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