SU1 BETA - No improvement on Xbox. Key bugs remain

I have, with great difficulty, just completed my first flight on the SU1 beta using the Xbox series X / Xbox controller and unfortunately, I have noticed no improvement whatsoever. Airliners are still fundamentally unusable due to the following bugs (which I’m starting to think are specific to the Xbox and Xbox controller):

  • entering cursor mode on the Xbox controller still causes the AI pilot to either go idle or TOGA. No way to turn this off.

  • tiller still randomly locks up on one side with no way to rectify, causing you to veer off the taxiway.

  • EFB still does not respond to the Xbox keyboard, rendering it useless, as although I can type, it doesn’t respond to what is typed. Therefore I cannot use 95% of default aircraft as there is no Simbrief functionality. Quite frustrating having paid for the premium deluxe version of the sim. The fueling and payload options on the EFB are almost nonsensical.

  • the cockpit camera freelook toggle does not work properly on the Xbox controller. I can slide left/right/backwards/forwards but cannot look up or down without releasing the toggle, as you can by default on FS2020 with the Xbox controller.

  • when I enter cursor mode and select one of the toolbar options (e.g. camera menu), it will then continuously appear on screen when exiting cursor mode, despite me having exited the toolbar option, therefore blocking the entire screen. The only way to prevent this is by clicking on the ATC toolbar option, as this is the only option that doesn’t then reappear when exiting cursor mode.

  • the graphics are still not rendering. The entire world looks blurry. Ground vehicles and aircraft are unrendered pointy blobs.

  • unrelated to SU1 but to mention nonetheless, the vast majority of marketplace content I purchased on 2020 is still not showing in my content. Just a very small handful is.

I am desperate to be able to make a permanent switch to 2024 and enjoy this sim but unfortunately, the bugs mentioned above make it largely unplayable. The only time the sim seems to work reasonably well for me is when flying a small Cessna on career mode. What is most concerning to me as an Xbox user, flying with the Xbox controller, is that non of these bugs seem to have made any sort of list that would suggest a future fix.


For me there is a general big problem with many back compatible aircraft. Many aircraft seem they are pressed excessively to the ground by gravity. Acceleration and take off are not possible.Weight and center of gravity position is set correctly

Hmm I’ve not had this issue. Have you tried altering your controller input sensitivity settings? I had to adjust mine to make the aircraft respond and feel like they should as originally I actually haf the opposite and airliners were responding to the slightest touch like fighter jets.

unfortunately, the beta update hasn’t done well for me.

i have attempted two VIP charter flights. both made it to the last waypoint, then the game skips/lags a little bit and then it crashes. about 2.5 hours wasted. xbox series x


Thank you for this report. This is all I have to know about this beta. The simulator is still in an unacceptable state on Xbox. All of the bugs mentioned above are reported in the Bug Report section yet none are attempted to be fixed. The simulator is nigh-unusable without a mouse which is simply not acceptable for a game available on console. 2020 had this sorted right from the release. It boggles the mind why 2024 doesn’t, and still won’t.


I just have to add my 100% agreement with this statement.


Were these issues mentioned as fixed in the patch notes? If not, I don’t see the point of mentioning them here


The topic is this beta discussion thread is:

“[SU1 BETA - No improvement on Xbox. Key bugs remain]”

A comment about key bugs (like controller issues) still remaining sounds pretty on topic.


I don’t see any mention in the release notes that controller issues on Xbox were fixed so of course it is still an issue then in the beta. Don’t see the point in stating the obvious, that’s why it is off-topic imho.


The dev team need to - urgently - put a dedicated team to work on the Xbox issues. They clearly don’t hava anyone.whos tried flying the sim using a real Xbox rig - they just sit back somewhere and assume it will be ok… Not good enough,


What’s the plan then? Keep quiet about them?


Thanks for your input speedbrake, albeit a rather pointless one.

As these are issues that are preventing me and many others from being able to use the product we paid for, I am raising them on the official support forum (as you would expect) in the hope that they are addressed as quickly as possible (hopefully in a future build of SU1, seen as though they have said more builds to come). Hopefully that is clear for you and you can appreciate that some of us would prefer action as opposed to saying nothing and accepting something that doesn’t work.


I’m not on xbox now, but it would have been nice to see the mouse freelook bug fixed for xbox users, (I gather it’s not). I know it was a real pain.
Let’s not forget though more fixes will be updated in the beta.


Moderator edit for translation: “SU 1 is totally broken, 3 quarry flight test (medium cargo, cessna 208) 3 back to the Xbox menu, shortly before the approach phase :rage::face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

SU 1 est totalement cassée, essai de 3 vol en carrière (fret moyen, cessna 208) 3 retour au menu Xbox, peu avant la phase d’approche :rage::face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


Me Also Same Issue


I’ve tried the beta. 4/4 flights in free flight crash to xbox home screen. Back to the normal build.


Beta Has Done Nothing XBOX SERIES X

Missions Fails On Last Waypoint
Bush Taxi Way
Wrong Data
Random Warnings
Prohibited Air Space Still Popping



Now my mouse doesn’t work at all on beta to select anythibg. Leeaving beta because it is unusable on xbox series x


no, just keep going in the original topic.

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Xbox SeriesX, MSFS24, SU1 Beta: No improvements on SeriesX at all! Quite the opposite - everything has gotten worse! SU1 seems to be a desperate attempt to save what no longer can be saved! Unless a miracle happens this flightgame in disguise will be the end of the entire franchise! I will stick with MS20 as long as I can! Never in my life have I been so annoyed by a video-game as I am by Flight Simulator2024! This game makes me angry! Whoever decided to release FS24 in this state (or at all) has caused huge damage to a lot of people’s reputation! A monumental workload will be required to regain trust! I deleted MSFS24! Good luck and goodbye!