SU10 Cessena C172 G1000 Rudder Control and Wind Gust

It’s due to the new crosswind tuning added to the 172, since you’re on PC there’s 2 ways to fix this depending on your preferences. In the flight_model.cfg file go to [FLIGHT TUNING] and either change

to read

ground_crosswind_effect_max_speed = 85
ground_crosswind_effect_zero_speed = 5

to cause the wind to gradually be applied to the plane as you build up enough speed to gain sufficient rudder authority.

The other option is to add the following lines to [FLIGHT TUNIG]
ground_high_speed_steeringwheel_static_friction_scalar = 2.0
ground_high_speed_otherwheel_static_friction_scalar = 2.0

This will make the wheels “stick” more, allowing you to gain enough rudder authority before the lift component reduces the friction enough to cause the plane to start weathervaning.