SU5, before....and after

OK, here’s HKKI for me

In cockpit, I can see the tower

In drone view behind the plane, I can’t - just the light

It must be right on the cusp of being visible. Here is where I can first see it from the drone

and here’s the plane behind me (just rotated 180) so actually it’s odd I can see it from the cockpit but not the drone when at the windscreen position

This is all with 200/200 on the sliders

If I edit the config file to put 200 on the terrain LOD and 400 on the object LOD I get these:

And if I drone up a bit above the runway:

So upping object LOD makes it visible

Strongly suggest you try that - I doubt it will have much impact on FPS and is easy to do

EDIT - with object LOD 400, the tower is still visible this far back and I’m getting 62 FPS

EDIT/EDIT - so you know, I had to see what happens when I put object LOD to 900
In cockpit - can definitely see the tower better - it appears more solid

Drone default behind the plane doesn’t look any better than 400

How far back can we still see it? Here’s how far:

Quite a long way then!

What about FPS? I hear you ask…62

So pretty much zero impact. Now I appreciate this isn’t a very busy scene, but I think you should be able to push the LOD for object up quite a bit

Give it a try if you’ve not done so already

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