SU5, terrible GFX

When streaming data to the sim is slow/buggy or fails, there is much more to look at then just say, my connection is 70 Mb so it should work.

From your point of view, because you pay for a 70 Mb, you are absolutely right. But, that’s not how the internet works. You are paying for the bandwidth between you and your provider, nothing more.

Every connection to a server to retrieve data passes through a set of peers. Simply said, a company who has a plug with your internet provider and their connection provider. Multiple companies are onnected together this way. Simply drawn out:

you <-> provider <-> provider's provider <-> provider's provider's provider <-> etc. <-> MS datacenter

more simpler, extremely abstract, you get 70 Mb dedicated (this is not how it works but for sake of example) :

you (70Mb) <-> a (70Mb) <-> b (70Mb) <-> c (10Mb) <-> d (70Mb) <-> e (70Mb) <-> (70Mb) MS datacenter

In my example c is throttling to 10Mb because it’s a cheap *** or is having issues, you won’t get your data faster than 10Mb. If C would be dropping packages, you won’t get anything.

Doing a speed test, does not proof a thing. The connection to speedtest could be:

you (70Mb) <-> provider (1Gb) <-> speedtest server

You will definitely get (70Mb) minus:

  • latency,
  • your router speed (how busy it already is),
  • provider stability (switches/routers/already occupied traffic by your fellow hundred’s 70 Mbit payers),
  • Atmosperic causes,
  • Dirty fiber in any bundle in the ground somewhere?
  • etc… etc… etc…

and maybe still end up with .5 Mbit

So, if your hardware is up to pace, and completely fine, which is the case, this is your next hurdle.

And this is just the tip of the iceberg on how the internet works.

So to answer your question:
It could still be your connection.

P.S. i’m not saying there are no issues which could be caused by MS/Asobo servers themself, which would be the case if all those peers play nice.

Edit (added):

P.P.S. Same reason why a 1 Gbps could be slower then a 10 Mbps, and downloads to install can be slow.