SU6 - tips for a smooth update

I’m not going to argue with anyone who says this is all not required, never had a problem etc. It is entirely your choice what you do.

However, here is what Asobo included in the patch notes for World Update 6 (specifically for @pdeswardt @NeilPearlJam @hendis55 @kaha300d):

Do I need to do anything with add-ons in the community folder?

We highly recommended that you move the content from your community folder to a temporary location on your hard drive before applying the patch and replacing after testing the new version.

Note the use of the words “before applying the patch”.

You can see the whole patch notes/help guide here:

Also, if you want a flavour of the angst, wailing and general gnashing of teeth that these updates can create, a lot of which is caused by not doing some simple things to make it go more smoothly, have a cruise through the rest of the thread I just linked.

It is, of course, entirely up to you what you do, so with that I bid you adios.

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