Suggestion to anyone who has very bad load times

If you are having very bad load times (30+ minutes or similar), try this:

turn off your network
start the game
wait until you see the screen that network is needed
turn on network

I observed that the intro video does not play smooth with this method, and who cares, but this may be a tip to the Asobo team what conflicts with the smooth load process on some computers

Top ! Thank you for .

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Oh my, this actually worked :grinning:

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guys, as of Sunday you need to disable the conenction when you see the Asobo logo, the rest unchanged

WOW!!! It works !!! Thank you

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Mine are normal afaik (about 2 min) but I would pay to get rid of intro animations, specially the scary deer :laughing:

you can look for the intro video in the installation folder and replace it with your favorive mp4 file, just keep it the same name

UPDATE : after the Dec 11 program update, at least on my side, the workarounds were not needed (IPV6 or network off/on methods). Hope that many of you also see an improvement,