Sweden Textures

So I am touring Sweden at 1500 feet and as I fly the textures are painting right under me. Underneath the trees the Ground/grass. In VR the trees are painting just in front of the nose of the Bonanza. My setting are High with Object Level of Detail = 200 and Terrain Level of Detail = 200. Anybody else?

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This sounds like a known issue where apparent draw distance is reduced at high latitudes. The terrain tile size decreases as you approach the poles.

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Yeah, it’s terrible. I was flying up a fjord on the coast of Norway. Textures and DEM were both of low, horrible quality until everything was right beside me on on both sides. Then high resolution DEM and textures would load up. It isn’t a pleasant experience to say the least.

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I don’t know how they’re going to fix this without overhauling the entire sim. The way they tile the scenery needs to be changed, and that’s probably going to require all of the streaming scenery be reprocessed.

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… Or draw more tiles dynamically adjusting the lod range as you move further north or south?


Yeah, that might be the way. They’d have to make everything from texture resolution to object draw distance latitude dependent, and I could see this still causing big problems as you get up closer to the poles where all the tiles start to converge.

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It is beyond me they allowed this to be pushed out. It broke the entire Nordic region. It looks silly and they must have seen this when they tried it.

They have not mentioned this at all, I wish there was a way to roll back.

Would love to see an official comment on this.

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Norway is also a bit underwelming. With 3rd party DEM’s FSX was outstanding in this area of the world.

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This is by far the weakest update but the chessboard tiles that populate are unacceptable to me, I won’t be flying there until they fix this.

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Go into your content manager and delete the Nordic packs. They’re optional downloads. It will revert the Nordics back to what they were before the update.

Wouldn’t that just delete the poi but not the mesh and textures?

Just a few parameters. And they don’t “tile” the complete terrain, there are many meshes… there could be some local tesselation (if they use it at all) but they use multiple meshes, when you approach a mountain. These meshes are stacked, and the boundaries give issues. See this topic and this topic. But the reason we SEE that happening now, is distance… Just like the trees, terrain LOD stays at 50, also when the slider is put on LOD-200. Policy, or… simple bug. Both is possible. I think the whole thing could be solved with a hotfix. When it’s policy… guess… the fix for PC will be Tuesday, 3-August :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: they will want to keep the 2080 and 3080 users…

I’m not 100% certain. Visually, it looks like the new higher resolution data (DEM and textures) are being drawn overtop the old stuff that was there before vs replacing it completely. Should be pretty easy to test out. Remove the Nordics content and see if the problem still exists after. You can easily reinstall the content if required.

Ok I will try that, it looks like textures are streamed, the downloadable content is probably the POIs and airports…

Well, it’s easy enough to test. Like I said, I’m not 100% sure. If you test it, please let us know the results. I would appreciate that as it would give us all a better understanding of the mechanics.

Flatearthers coding :eyes:
What else can this bug affect?

Not sure I am doing this right.

I have Nordic-Points of interests 3,75GB


Noridc - Procedural buildings 96,64kb

there is no other things to remove…taking those out and it is still tiles that populate at low level.

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