SWS Vans RV-14 is out

I only have (sws-pms50-gtn750WTT-aircraft-rv14) in community for the 750. I bought the plane on market place. I don’t see the folder you mentioned. Do we not need to WT package anymore?

Thanks for suggestion, but I avoid nearly all addons, there are too many, they use to much space, and often cause problems. I use the sim in Vanilla mode if I can :wink:

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Removing the sws-pms50-gtn750WTT-aircraft-rv14 package brings the avionics back to life, but no 750, and no clue how to get it back, liveries make difference.

Go to the SWS website Van's RV-14/14A for Microsoft Flight Simulator - SimWorks Studios

Then go to Free Extras and download the RV-14 Panel Mods and copy the directory with the panel you want into your community folder.

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Where are the click spots to show pilot / copilot?

Any particular reason why the latest RV-14 and RV-10 have the wrong button order and naming on the G3X bezel buttons. By comparison with the Nx cub and real world images. Should be as follows from left to right :- NRST, Direct to, Menu and Back.

When built they used the old Asobo G3X icons and it slipped.They will be adjusted in a fix this month.


And can the autopilot panel buttons light up as they do in the RV-8 please?

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