Tai Models vs Macco sim Manchester

There are two competitors who have a version of the manchester international Airport. But what is the best? There are mixed review for both, but I want to aksk you, what experience you´ve had with those sceneries.

Never buy Tai models i’ve just been bitten bad with their Cairo and they are uninterested in fixing it. I bought through inibuilds and they are investigating the issues The Maccosim one while not perfect is enjoyable and supposedly the V2 update is still on its way. there are also rumours of someone else making Manchester but i don’t think they have been confirmed one way or the other

I can’t speak for TaiModels but Macco are a UK developer and they’ve remained committed to their EGCC scenery since release. It’s an old airport — and it shows — but performance is good and they’ve modelled 23R’s famous ‘hump’ beautifully. They’re progressing (albeit very slowly) with v2.

The only area in which TaiModels is more accurate is the terminal interiors (which, to be fair, do look impressive).

I’d go with Macco’s. I’ve certainly been pleased with it.

I have stuck with Maccosim as it’s pretty accurate, has good performance and I’m not that fussed on interior scenery. I have modelled the wider area on flightsim.to (check out my profile : skell300).

This adds things that may or may not be redundant when Maccosim release their promised update.


Dont know anything about Tai but having dealt with Macco and seen their Discord posts they look a decent outfit.Yes,been a while still waiting for V2 but Macco look OK.